Chapter 1320 Busy eating, no time to care about them
This... what's the situation?

The waiter in the shop was stunned, and he just stood there in a daze and forgot to walk.

Xiong Yu hurried to take the food that was brought over.

"Why are you in a daze! Didn't you see that we were all waiting? Hurry up and get some food from the kitchen, there's nothing to see here." Xiong Yu urged ferociously.

Only then did the waiter come back to his senses, and hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

At this time, the battle in the inn continued.

Only a few of the man's subordinates fell down, and the man was still standing in the corridor on the second floor fanning himself, as if everything was under his control.

"A group of trash, all retreat."

The man's voice was indifferent, and he jumped up and landed lightly.

No matter the landing posture or the landing position is just right, there is elegance in the gorgeousness, and chic in the elegance.

It looks elegant, but it seems a bit deliberate.

Tie Fengyi couldn't hide the excitement on her face, she unconsciously moved closer to the man.

Tie Shengxuan stepped forward to dissuade, "Grandfather, it's all trivial matters, it's all over, why don't we just forget about it."

Tie Shengxuan's eyes flickered, and there was panic in his expression.

He didn't expose his daughter's lies, but he was afraid that her daughter would continue to mess around under the protection of her benefactor and make things worse.

"Father!" Tie Fengyi gave Tie Shengxuan a warning look, and then said, "Benefactor's cultivation is outstanding, you don't need to worry, these people robbed our goods, they should learn some lessons."

"Miss Tie is right, Captain Tie doesn't need to worry, I will take care of this matter."

The man's tone was gentle, and when he spoke, his eyes stayed on Tie Fengyi, and he smiled at her for a long time.

The three of them exchanged glances with each other for a long time, but Su Wanyi and the others who were not far away didn't raise their heads.

All bow their heads and concentrate on eating.

Ye Yuxian picked up vegetables for Su Wanyi, helped her peel shrimp and crab shells, and pick fish bones. There was a lot of work and he was very busy.

Daibao had no one to help him, so he could only lower his head and struggle with this pile of delicious but troublesome food.

Everyone was busy eating and offering sacrifices to their five internal organs temples, so they didn't have any extra energy for Tie Fengyi and the others.

Seeing this situation, Tie Fengyi only felt a fire burning in her chest, which made her anxious and irritable, and clenched her fists tightly.
Su Wanyi!What are you wearing!

Don't think that you won by pretending not to care about me on purpose!
Nothing you do can change the fact that you are ugly and poorly trained!

Xiong Yu ate faster, he didn't have such a delicate feeling for food, after wolfing it down, he got up and walked to Chu Xingyun's side.

"Shift change."

Xiong Yu came to replace Chu Xingyun and asked Chu Xingyun to go back to eat.

You don't need to use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken. When Chu Xingyun and this group of young people did it, they didn't even use their success power.

He came with complete restraint, so as not to use too much force to damage the inn and affect the dinner of Su Wanyi and others next to him.

Chu Xingyun was not polite to Xiong Yu, and turned around to eat at the dinner table.

Xiong Yu rolled up his sleeves, assuming he was ready to do something special.

"Come on, I'm full, I can be your opponent now."

"Vulgar." The man said disgustedly, "She is also a salt-free ugly girl and a vulgar reckless man. She really is a group of inferior people with no bottom line."

"Ah bah!" Xiong Yu spit at the man directly, "Stop talking about useless nonsense with me, you have the nerve to think you are elegant with your virtue? With your pretty face, your face is so pink. Is it one inch thick?! You don’t take a pee to take care of yourself!”

 Nineteen more
(End of this chapter)

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