Chapter 1333 All kinds of teasing
Everyone's minds automatically imagined the terrifying appearance of the weird woman they had seen at the door just now when she turned into a ghost.

At this moment, something came out of the dry well.

At first, it only came out a little bit, so I couldn't see it clearly.

But as things continued to rise, everyone discovered that it was a head!

A woman with long hair and white clothes who can't see her face!

"Ghost... ghost!"

Some of the Linxiantai disciples let out a terrified cry.

Chang Sun Xun stood behind Xiong Yu, and Xiong Yu quickly hid behind Chang Sun Xun when he saw this.

The two pretended to be the same thing.

"Young Master Xun, Captain Xiong, what are you two doing..." Bloody Arhat looked at the two people who retreated.

Aren't the two of them very courageous just now?

Xiong Yu explained: "Just now I didn't see the female ghost, so I still had the courage. Now that the female ghost is here, I don't dare."

Xiong Yu gave up in seconds.

The blood-handed Arhat was a little flustered with anger.

Looking at his own subordinates, they also lost their timidity one after another.

"What's there to be afraid of? Even if it's really a female ghost, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

After the blood-handed Arhat scolded, he stepped forward alone and quickly flew towards the dry well. His huge red right hand became a claw and hit the white female ghost.

I thought it was a claw that would make the opponent's flesh and blood fly.

But he didn't expect that his hand passed through the female ghost's body, and the person following him also passed through, only vaguely touching a piece of clothing.

After landing, the Bloody Arhat was stunned.

Cold sweat broke out on the back.

This... Could it be...

It's okay, even if it's a ghost, he can't hurt her, and she can't hurt him.

The blood-handed Arhat turned his head while comforting himself.

When he saw the female ghost on the dry well again, he found that she was standing there intact, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Immediately afterwards, something like a tentacle stretched out from the dry well and reached out to the Bloody Arhat and other Linxiantai disciples.

The blood-handed Arhat quickly dodged, but was still entangled by the tentacle.

He hurriedly tore off these tentacles with his own hands.

But he didn't want dark red blood to flow out from the tentacles after he tore them open.

And it's not fresh, it's already rancid.

The smell is very pungent and disgusting.

"Ouch—" Instinctively, the blood-handed Arhat retched, then threw away part of the tentacles that fell from his body in disgust, and ran away.

too disgusting.

The other Linxiantai disciples were also numb in their scalps, their limbs went limp, and they felt nauseous again and again from this disgusting and frightening thing.

It took a lot of struggle for everyone to repel these disgusting and haunting tentacles.

When the tentacles retracted into the dry well, everyone found that the female ghost on the dry well had disappeared.

Everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief.


Xiong Yu suddenly screamed and covered his neck with both hands, looking like he was about to suffocate.

"Help, save me... I... I can't breathe."

Xiong Yu's whole face was contorted, his expression was painful, and his eyes were staring like night pearls.

The Linxiantai disciples were frightened when they saw this.

There was no one around Xiong Yu, they didn't see anything, why did he suddenly suffocate?
They were hesitating when they saw Xiong Yu suddenly spin 360 degrees in the air out of thin air, and then fell to the ground violently.

As soon as it landed, it bounced up again...

Immediately afterwards, it rotated in various directions and angles in the air, and then was hit on the big tree next to it.

(End of this chapter)

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