Chapter 1335 Another "Half Body"

Black Mirror can control its own size, and now his body is just big enough for Dumbbod's feet to step on it, and the long skirt also covers its body.

It swam across the ground at a constant speed, and moved in parallel with the dumb baby on its body.

At first glance, people in the distance thought it was floating.

And because Daibao's height plus the thickness of the black mirror, plus the height of the bracket used to open the skirt, is exactly the height of half the body of an adult woman.

In astonishment, that half of the body walked away.

The bloody Arhat's face was pale and his body was cold.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of water flowing from behind my body.

He turned his head abruptly, facing the other half of his body.

His black hair fell to his waist, and his face was invisible.

The same white clothes were floating in mid-air.

"It" wandered back and forth in the courtyard, as if looking for something.

And this half of the body is surrounded by water.

If it's just water.

Water doesn't flow from bottom to top, it's upside down!

Water came out from all around, went towards half of the body, and poured into the body.

Bloody Arhat knew that after the combat power reached a certain level, people with extremely high combat power control talents could control the movement of objects with combat power in the air.

He has seen Venerable Qing Yu use such an ability, but he can't, he is of the melee type, majoring in melee combat skills, known for his strength and ferocity of attack.

But he has never seen anyone who can control the flow of water. This is not the usual way to control the flow of objects with combat power.

I'm afraid even the fairy master can't do this, right?

What the fairy master can't do is definitely not something that a living person can do!
The girl hiding in this half of her body is suppressing her laughter.

Can't laugh, she promised her aunt that she couldn't laugh out loud. was really fun.

She hides in this dress, and Daddy Dumbo helps her fly through the air.

And she draws water from all around.

Because her grandfather didn't allow her to play with water casually before, today is the first time she has played with water so recklessly!
What my aunt said, she can play as much as she wants today, and she can play as much as she wants.

After all, Nannan was still young, so she couldn't help laughing, so she broke her skills and laughed out loud.

With this smile, the Bloody Arhat's legs completely went limp.

It was an eerie, creepy laugh with a high-frequency tremor.

In panic, the blood-handed Arhat felt that his body was gradually becoming numb and gradually losing consciousness...

His body began to disobey him!

Realizing this, the blood-handed Luohan was terrified, realizing that he was cornered.

Right now, they are dead, wounded, missing, and they have suffered heavy losses.

And the opponent is not an ordinary thing, but a ghost that he can't touch or fight.

Even Young Master Xun is no match at all.

It can't go on like this.

If he doesn't fight back, he and everyone who entered the haunted house today will die!

He must solve the problem as soon as possible and rescue Young Master Xun who may still be alive!

For the sake of Young Master Xun, and for himself, he must use his trump card!
So Bloody Arhat took out a well-made and complicated mechanism box from his arms.

After he spun once, the mechanism box opened, and a burst of blue light shot out from the box, soaring into the sky.

A few yards away, Su Wanyi and the others saw the blue light and knew they had achieved their goal.

Soon they will be able to see the divine beast.

(End of this chapter)

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