Chapter 1345 Divine Beast War (1)

Fortunately, their cultivation bases are all at the peak of the Divine Movement Realm, and they have the ability to deal with the thunder and lightning of divine beasts.

Those with a slightly weaker cultivation base can't stand it.

Fortunately, Xiong Yu had already left the house with a few weak ones, otherwise something might have happened by now.

The blood-handed Arhat noticed the problem, and quickly said to Kui Niu: "Master Kui Niu, you can't do this. Mr. Xun and other people from Linxiantai may still be somewhere in the house. You can't accidentally hurt them, especially Mr. Xun."

"Trouble." Kui Niu said impatiently.

"Lord Kui Niu, calm down. Young Master Xun is someone the Immortal Master values. The Immortal Master cares about Young Master Xun very much. If you hurt Young Master Xun, the Immortal Master..." Bloody Arhat persuaded against the danger of angering Kui Niu.

Kui Niu was upset, but he still compromised.

It concentrated the thunder and lightning on top of their heads.

This time Changsun Xun was able to breathe, but Ye Yuxian and the others suffered.

The thunder and lightning were denser than before, and the oppressive force was even stronger. It felt like people were almost out of breath.

And these lightnings are falling densely, there is no space for people to breathe.

Although Zilong has tried his best to cover, but the lightning is too dense.

Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi no longer feel relaxed, even with the help of divine soldiers and extremely high cultivation, they both seem to be struggling.

The worst situation at the moment is Daibao.

Daibao's cultivation was not yet at the level of the gods, and he was not far from Kui Niu. The strong pressure he was under made his face turn pale.

It can be seen that his body is facing a huge threat at this moment.

If it wasn't for the special blood of the Ye family that made his body stronger than the average person's, he might not be able to carry it at this moment.

"Daibao, go back first." Ye Yuxian asked Daibao to leave first, but the little guy couldn't hold on anymore.

"No! Daibao won't go back!" Daibao replied stubbornly and firmly, "Daddy, Tuantuan is Daibao's friend, and Daibao will never leave a friend behind."

"You take Tuantuan and leave." Ye Yuxian didn't want Tuantuan to stay here.

Daibao thought for a while, glanced at the trembling Tuantuan curled up beside him, hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Ye Yuxian covered the two little guys and let them evacuate.

But he didn't want to attract Kui Niu's attention.

"Don't even try to run away that trash." Kui Niu set his sights on Tuan Tuan, and it was going to put Tuan Tuan to death today.

Because Tuantuan is a divine beast that knows its shame.

Kui Niu sprinted towards Ye Yuxian and Dai Bao.

Ye Yuxian hurriedly hugged Daibao and Tuantuan, and stood up.

Walk with the sword.

He quickly moved towards the distant mountains and forests.

The white breath condensed under Kui Niu's hooves, and then he left the ground, walked in the air, and chased after Ye Yuxian Daibao.

Along with the movement of its body, the thunderbolt also moved in the direction where Ye Yuxian Daibao was escaping.

While running, they also had to avoid lightning.

With Lingyue Divine Sword at his feet, Ye Yuxian held Daibao and Tuantuan again in both hands.

In the case of being unable to free his hand, facing the thunder and lightning, his situation is too dangerous.

Dai Bao hastily pulled out his little hand from his bosom, raised his knife to face the thunder and lightning, and covered his father.

Daibao's little face was pale and bloodless at this moment, and his combat power was running out, but he was still fighting desperately with his last bit of strength.

I saw that he was struggling, and the hand holding the knife was tightly squeezed, and the blue veins on his small hands were all exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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