Chapter 1347 Divine Beast War (3)

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed behind Kui Niu.

The golden light draws traces like pop under the night sky.

The golden light went straight towards Kui Niu.



A shrill cow cry resounded through the night sky.

Kui Niu's chrysanthemum is pierced by a light arrow.

The momentary pain made Kui Niu feel as if he had been struck by his own lightning, and all the limbs and bones of his body were numb from the pain.

The sourness cannot be expressed in words.

After the pain became numb, he could no longer continue to fly and chase Ye Yuxian and the others.

Immediately afterwards, its body fell straight to the ground.


With a loud noise, Kui Niu fell to the ground, smashing a huge hole in the ground.

Kui Niu collapsed on the ground and struggled twice.

A pair of bull's eyes are dull and dull.

That is a pain that human beings cannot bear.

Now it seems that the beast is also unbearable.

And the blood-handed Arhat on it also fell to the side. He was unable to move flexibly because of the poison, and now he fell to the ground, and he could only watch helplessly.

"Master Kui Niu, Master Kui Niu, how are you? Are you alright?" The Bloody Arhat had no choice but to try to call Kui Niu.

Zilong was in a good mood when he saw it, and he kept praising Su Wanyi: "Hahahaha... woman, you did such a beautiful job! You really deserve to be my aunt, my aunt! I love you so much! Now this one The ugly cow can’t help but be stunned! Hahaha, it’s actually the chrysanthemum that’s disabled, hahahaha, this is too miserable! As a divine beast, it was blown away by someone... Hahaha..."

Zilong couldn't stop laughing.

She could laugh about it for hundreds of years.

In the future, whether you can beat Kui Niu will be another question, and it must be no match for your own when you ridicule it.

Ye Yuxian was still moving forward, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity created by Su Wanyi to move Tuantuan and Daibao to a safe place.

At this moment, Tuantuan suddenly regained his vitality and jumped out of Ye Yuxian's embrace.

"Ah! Tuantuan!"

Dumb was startled.

They were still in mid-air, and with this jump, they were about to fall to the ground!

Ye Yuxian turned around to pick up Tuantuan.

But saw that Tuantuan transformed in mid-air, and instantly became huge.

The strange thing is that its size is even bigger than when it transformed before!
Then it fell smoothly to the ground.

Ye Yuxian brought Daibao to the bottom, and when Daibao got close to Tuantuan, he jumped onto the enlarged head of Tuantuan.

"Tuantuan! How are you?" Daibao asked in surprise.

"Wow, woohoo..."

Tuantuan whimpered.

The Zilong Gang Tuantuan, who arrived almost at the same time as Ye Yuxian and the others, interpreted: "This little tuanzi said that it is ready, and that it will work hard, and that it wants to protect Daibao."

"Haha." Wen Yandaibao showed a happy smile, and touched the top of Tuantuan's head, "Come on, Tuantuan, let's work together!"

"woo woo woo woo."

Tuantuan nodded vigorously, almost throwing Daibao off its head.

Dai Bao lay paralyzed on Tuantuan's head. He was struggling with the last bit of his strength. Seeing that Tuantuan was fine, he was relieved, and immediately went limp, unable to move his body.

"Woo, woo, woo..." Tuantuan said to Daibao.

"Xiaotuanzi said, take a good rest, Daibao, it will help you fight." Zilong continued to translate.

"Well... I'll leave it to Tuantuan." Dai Bao gave Tuantuan full trust.

(End of this chapter)

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