Chapter 1355 I handed you over to the three of them
Only the Bloody Arhat followed the Immortal Lord before the Immortal Lord attacked the Ye family. He experienced the great battle with the Immortal Lord, fought side by side with Kui Niu, and knew a lot about the Immortal Lord's past.

It also includes things about Kui Niu.

"What is that thing?" Ye Yuxian asked.

"I don't know what that thing is. I haven't seen it before. Only the Immortal Lord knows the whereabouts of that thing in Linxiantai." Bloody Arhat replied.

Judging by his appearance, it seems that he really doesn't know.

The blood-handed Arhat looked at Ye Yuxian after finishing speaking: "Okay, I've told you everything I know, can you let us go?"

Ye Yuxian nodded, keeping his promise, "Okay, I'll hand you over to the three of them now."

After speaking, Ye Yuxian untied Changsun Xun and the three, then walked aside, found a chair and sat down, watching leisurely, calmly and calmly.

The blood-handed Arhat forgot to look at Changsun Xun and the three of them, and said, "Can you still go?"

Changsun Xun was smiling. Although he was wearing special makeup, he could still tell that his smile was obvious.

Gu Qingyu turned her head and left, looking not very interested.

He will follow Ye Yuxian's request, but it doesn't mean that he has much interest in this matter itself.

Xie Fuzang was obviously guilty, he lowered his head slightly, his eyes dodged, and he didn't dare to look directly at the blood-handed arhat.

Bloody Arhat sensed something was wrong.

what happened?

The reaction of the three of them after being untied was completely different from what he expected.

Shouldn't you get out of here quickly?
What are you still doing here?Aren't you afraid they will go back on their word?

"Young Master Xun, what are you laughing at?" Bloody Arhat asked.

The smile on Changsun Xun's face remained undiminished, and there was sarcasm in his eyes: "Maybe Gu Qingyu Xie Fuzang doesn't understand, don't you understand?"

Hearing that the blood-handed Arhat's eyes widened, "Young Master Xun, you must be partnering with this man, right?"

Changsun Xun asked back: "Give me a reason not to betray Linxiantai."

The blood-handed Arhat said angrily: "Have you forgotten how good the fairy master has been to you all these years?"

Chang Sun Xun said: "Is he guilty of killing his adoptive parents and his younger sister who grew up with him? Will he still have a bad conscience after all?"

The blood-handed Arhat hurriedly explained: "No, your mother is not just a sister to the fairy master, the fairy master...he really loves your mother!"

"Love? Then the way he loves someone is really special!" Chang Sun Xun sneered.

"You don't understand. Things were very complicated back then. The Immortal Lord really loved your mother. At the beginning, he wanted to get ahead because of your mother! Because he felt that it was because of his incompetence, he just watched helplessly. Your mother married someone else under the arrangement of your grandfather and grandmother! So he vowed to become stronger, to be in charge of his own destiny, and never let the person he loves leave him again."

The man in Linxiantai was the adopted son of Changsun Xun's grandfather and grandmother, and fell in love with his sister who was not related by blood.

He wanted to marry her, but was strongly opposed by his parents.

Because in the eyes of their parents, although they are not related by blood, they have always been brother and sister.

They regarded him as their son and could not accept their marriage.

Finally, under the arrangement of her parents, she married Changsun Ya, the lord of Suyue City.

And he could only watch her get married, put on her wedding dress, and send her to the sedan chair.

(End of this chapter)

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