Chapter 1362 The next stop, Linxiantai

If Kui Niu goes out, if he can succeed, he can return within a night.

It has been a day and two nights now, but there is no news at all.

Everyone was waiting for Elder Zhu Xian to make a decision, whether to choose to go to the blood-handed Arhat, or to return to Linxiantai with them.

After a moment of silence.

"You come back to Xiantai with me first, and I will send someone to investigate the matter of the blood-handed Arhat and Kui Niu." Elder Zhuxian finally chose to bring Changsun Xun and others back to Xiantai first.

While speaking, Elder Zhuxian's gaze swept over Su Wanyi and Daibao.

It is obvious that Elder Zhu Xian is determined to win the heaven and earth magic weapon in the hands of the mother and son, and he does not want them to continue to go to Linxiantai alone, just to prevent accidents from happening.

Although Linxiantai is now the overlord of the world, there are also many people who are doing small tricks behind the scenes. The two magic weapons of heaven and earth are worth the risk of many people.

"Okay, with Elder Zhu Xian's escort, we can rest assured." Chang Sun Xun said with a smile.

From his expression, Elder Zhuxian couldn't see any problems.

Coupled with the presence of Gu Qingyu and Xie Fuzang, even though Elder Zhuxian suspected the blood-handed Arhat, he finally chose to believe it because there was no evidence.

Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and the others didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and they looked like they were completely obeying Linxiantai's arrangements.

This made Elder Zhuxian's first impression of this family was that they were quite obedient.

Good obedience, obedience can save a lot of trouble, and save them from using strong methods.

It took four days from the meeting of the two parties to the arrival at Linxiantai.

After walking through the endless steps, I finally came to Linxian Terrace.

Linxiantai is located on the halfway up the cloud-shrouded Mount Wanye.

The entire building complex in Linxiantai looks like a fairy palace, and the pavilions and pavilions are attached to the cliffs.

And these were originally built by the Ye family for generations, and the heads of the Ye family are all elegant people, and they love to make these.

Over time, there is this Ye House located in the deep mountains and clouds.

Today, it is called Linxiantai.

The Linxiantai disciples who were guarding the door knelt down and were defeated when they saw the person coming.

Elder Zhu Xian stopped and said to the people behind him: "Young Master Xun, Venerable Qingyu and Venerable Fu Zang follow me to see the Immortal Lord."

Following Elder Zhuxian, he took another look at Su Wanyi's family, "You guys should go to the guest room and wait for news."

Following Elder Zhuxian, he called two disciples and asked them to take Su Wanyi and the others to the guest room.

There are many types of guests in Linxiantai, and the treatment between ordinary guests and VIPs is not a little bit worse.

The location of the guest room is also completely different.

The guest room that Elder Zhuxian asked his disciples to take Su Wanyi's family to was the guest room for ordinary visitors.

In her eyes, these people are not worthy of being their honored guests at Linxiantai.

Although they really want to get the heaven and earth magic weapon in the hands of this family.

In the eyes of Elder Zhuxian and most of Linxiantai's disciples, it was mostly luck that the mother and son possessed divine weapons, and they were not worthy of divine weapons at all.

The heaven and earth magic soldiers can't exert too much power in their hands, and they have nothing to fear from this family when they come to Xiantai.

The three of them, Changsun Xun, followed Elder Zhuxian and left.

The assigned disciple urged Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi: "Don't be inked, let's go, I know you have never seen such a fairy palace, but I don't have time to waste with you."

The disciples of Linxiantai regarded Ye Yuxian and others' eyes looking at Linxiantai as a countryman who had never seen the world, and they were dumbfounded when they saw Linxiantai, which looked like a fairy palace.

(End of this chapter)

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