Chapter 1507

"You idiot, this is the organ city's organ technique, and now in the entire Linxiantai, only your cousin Yu Lian is from the organ city! No matter what, we will be found out! What's more, we have frequently been in and out of Linxiantai these days , is the only one who has time to set up organs! Not to mention we are still on the scene now!" Luo Chang was angry and anxious.

"Then what do you think?!" Xing Shouye stomped his feet anxiously.

"If I knew what to do, would I stay here?"

"Then...then..." Xing Shouye almost fainted, "We can explain it, yes, we can explain it, and when Elder Zhuxian leaves the office, we will say that we are just practicing, and we never thought that someone would misunderstand broke in!"

"What's the use of misunderstanding! A senior brother has already been injured!" Luo Chang gritted his teeth and said, "How can Yu Lianlian's mechanism be so powerful? I really hope she is a waste at this time!"

When Yu Lian said that she couldn't do it before, Luo Chang felt that she was a little unconfident, but now it seems that she is really unconfident!

Even Elder Zhuxian was trapped by the mechanism that was made, and its level was comparable to that of her missing aunt Yu Qingqing!

Luo Chang and Xing Shouye are angry now!

But no matter how angry she is, she can't change the fact that the trap created by Yu Lian is very powerful.

Not only the mechanism is terrible, but the poisonous insects and ants make all the disciples at a loss.

Luo Chang and Xing Shouye also don't remember when Yu Lian found the poisonous bug.

"How about we run away?" Xing Shouye said.

"Escape? Wouldn't it be even more unclear if he escaped?" Luo Chang suddenly felt that he had found a pig teammate, and his brain was really not working.

They were all seen by the elders, where else could they escape?
Half an hour later, Elder Zhuxian came out of the bamboo forest with a few disciples. Several disciples were more or less injured, and some of them had black lips, obviously poisoned.

Elder Zhuxian came to Xing Shouye and Luo Chang angrily.

As soon as they saw Elder Zhuxian, their legs went limp in fright, and they knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

"Elder, spare your life, elder, spare your life!"

"Hand over the antidote!" Elder Zhu Xian asked the two of them for the antidote.

"We don't have an antidote..." These two people had no antidote at all.

"There is no antidote? Do you dare to say that this mechanism has nothing to do with you?" Elder Zhuxian was furious, as if he was about to swallow the two of them alive.

She only suffered some injuries, but her disciples were seriously injured one by one. These are all the proud disciples she has carefully cultivated!

"'s's a misunderstanding, elder, it's a misunderstanding! We can explain it!" Xing Shouye quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Misunderstanding? Do you think that the two of you can clear up the misunderstanding with just one sentence?" Elder Zhuxian is not so good-tempered.

Even if it was a misunderstanding that they stepped on the mechanism by mistake today, there should always be an explanation for the hatred of her injured disciples!

"Hand over the antidote immediately, or I will make you and even the family behind you worse than death!" Elder Zhuxian's anger had reached its peak.

Xing Shouye and Luo Chang were really scared when they heard that their family would be affected by him.

"Poisonous insects, poisonous insects were prepared by my cousin, I... I don't know..." Xing Shouye answered Elder Zhuxian's cross-examination with difficulty in a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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