Chapter 1509 Nine-Headed Sculpture
"No. He is not a coward. He treats me very well. He has not forced me or made things difficult for me since we got married. We have been married for many years but we have no real husband and wife. He has been criticized by outsiders, but he has never complained. It's his problem."

"He was the one who took advantage of others! Your parents married you to him because he is the lord of Suyue City!"

They should have been together long ago!
"That's your parents too!"

"No! They're not! We're not related by blood! They just raised me!"

"Zongyu...don't do this..."

"I don't want to do this? Then tell me what I should do?" Zong Yu felt the blood flowing backwards all over his body. He had already suffered internal injuries and couldn't suppress the overwhelming energy and blood in his body. He felt that his internal organs were being burned, but It can't compare to the pain she left in his heart.

"Zongyu, I'm sorry, I broke my promise, ten years, it's really too long..."

She has been married to Changsun Ya for ten years.

At first they treated each other like guests, at first she treated him extremely coldly.

But the ice and snow will eventually melt under the warm sun every day.

"Are you hating me for taking too long to get to where I am today? Are you hating me for being late?" Zong Yu's face was full of self-deprecating smiles.

What has he been doing all these years?
What on earth did he get to this point?

What's the point of what he's doing now?
"I'm not, I'm just... Zong Yu..."

"Come with me, leave him, let's start again, or I will bloody Suyue City, you know, now I have the ability to do so."

His voice was extremely cold, bone-chilling.

"No, I can't...I...I have given birth to a child for him..."

The weeping and trembling female voice crushed Zong Yu's last sliver of reason.

He looked at the woman for a long, long time.

Suddenly laughed.

Laughing and laughing, a mouthful of blood was spit out on the ground, and then passed out.

Suddenly a strange noise came from the next room, interrupting Zong Yu's memory.

Zong Yu got up and walked to the next room.

Except for Zong Yu, no one dared to enter this room.

The room was empty, except for a statue facing the door.

The sculpture turned out to be a serpentine monster with nine heads.

The appearance is fierce and eerie.

There was a depressing atmosphere in the room.

As soon as Zong Yu entered, a cloud of black gas came out of the sculpture, accompanied by a low, hoarse male voice.

"You borrowed the devilish energy from me, but all the devilish energy disappeared. Who made the ancient magic-breaking formation, have you found out?"

"An ancient magic-breaking formation scares you? Is that all you have the guts to do?"

"Is it just an ancient demon-breaking formation? Both the Sunset Bow and the Yinlong Divine Sword have been born, and the four divine weapons of heaven and earth are about to be assembled, yet you are telling me here that it is just an ancient demon-breaking formation?" a deep and terrifying voice There was anger mixed in.

"Heaven and Earth Divine Weapon is what we have been looking for, now that we have found it, why are you getting nervous instead?"

Zong Yu remained calm, and seemed to be used to the other party's anger.

"But now is the wrong time for them to appear!"

"You are my contract beast, I don't need you to dictate my behavior."

The one in the sculpture is Zongyu's contract beast. As for Kui Niu, he has not reached a contract with anyone, but simply reached a verbal agreement with Zongyu.

(End of this chapter)

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