Chapter 1512 The night of the decisive battle: Overreaching one's abilities

Zong Yu commented: "The bow is a good bow, but it's a pity that the people who use it are not good enough."

If it is the Sunset Bow in its full state, it is far from what it looks like.

Su Wanyi shot another arrow, aimed at Zong Yu.

The light arrow went straight to Zong Yu, and Zong Yu faced the light arrow with a calm expression.

The moment the light arrow came in front of him, his hand held the arrow firmly.

He... actually... held the light arrow?

This is something that has never happened before Su Wanyi got the Sunset Bow.

Zong Yu's face was calm, and when he exerted force with his hand, the light arrow shattered and turned into powdery light spots, which disappeared.

Zong Yu is the strength of the pinnacle of Lingxu Realm.

And Su Wanyi currently only has a mid-level cultivation in the Divine Walk realm.

With her current cultivation level, it is impossible for her to defeat Zong Yu, who is in the spirit realm, even with the Sunset Bow.

Even Ye Yuxian only has the strength of the elementary level of the spirit void realm.

They were not the opponents of Zong Yu who had reached the peak of Lingxu realm.

Zong Yu was unhurried, with a contemptuous tone, "If you think that you can challenge me to Linxiantai with two heaven and earth magic weapons, you are too overconfident."

"Hehehe, it looks like I don't need my help. You can handle this group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals by yourself." The black cloud group spoke again.

The envoy and Elder Zhuxian also immediately relaxed.

"Immortal Lord, these traitors cannot be forgiven lightly." The messenger looked at Gu Mian and the others viciously.

"That's right, Immortal Lord, these people must be executed as a warning to others."

Elder Zhu Xian also hated it.

I thought Ye Yuxian would panic when he saw such a big gap in strength.

But they don't.

After preparing for so long, if they don't even know what Zongyu's cultivation level is or what kind of terrifying strength he has, then it's really useless for them to lurk for so long.

"Zong Yu, you're still so conceited."

A familiar voice sounded, and Zong Yu's expression changed slightly. He looked at the masked man who was speaking.

Ye Zhen didn't hide anymore, and slowly took off the mask on his face.

His old, ordinary face was revealed.

In terms of appearance, Ye Zhen didn't have any outstanding features, just an old man.

But his face is something that no one present will forget.

"Ye Zhen!" The messenger exclaimed, unable to believe that he would see this face under such circumstances.

"Okay, let me tell you why these juniors are so courageous. It turns out that there is your support behind it. Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen, your master is dead, and you have lived in vain for so many years, thinking that you will continue to live like this forever. !” Elder Zhuxian sneered.

"It was my incompetence that failed to protect my master's life back then. The Ye family was captured, and it was also my fault that I failed to protect the foundation of the Ye family's ancestors. But I know that I must not die. I’ll come back to you someday to avenge my past.”

Ye Zhen spent nearly 30 years expressing his love for the Ye family and the original owner.

"What a loyal servant to the Lord, it's hard for you to lie dormant for so many years, and even win over Xun'er to form an alliance with you. It's a pity that you have done so much, but you can't change the fact that you are useless." Zong Yu ruthlessly mocked Ye Zhen .

What he did was useless.

The black cloud laughed softly: "Hey hey hey... I remember this trash, I beat him away at that time, right?"

 On the weekend, give yourself a little vacation, and I will have a few chapters less tonight, so I will take a rest.

(End of this chapter)

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