Chapter 1529 Final Battle Night: Peak Showdown

Finally, Zong Yu no longer thought it was a small fight, and he was going to be serious.

This is the first time he has really taken things seriously.

It can be seen that Ye Yuxian and the others have pushed him to a certain point.

Zong Yu took out his weapon, which was a spear.

The whole body is dark red, resembling the color of oxidized blood.

There are not too many decorations, but there is a faintly creepy atmosphere.

This is also a divine weapon, but it is an ordinary divine weapon, and there is still a gap between it and the Mingfeng Divine Spear.

Seeing that he also used a spear, Tassel couldn't help it.

"You thief who steals from others! Why do you use a long gun! You are shameless! You want to become him! You should die! You can't compare to him in any way!" Liusu's eyes were full of resentment.

Zong Yu wanted to get the Mingfeng Divine Spear, so he specially trained a long spear for this purpose, using the long spear as his main weapon.

"Swords, guns, swords, sticks, axes, hooks and forks, there are thousands of weapons in the world, each of which is used by countless people, and he is not the first to use a gun with the surname Ye, and he can't see others using it? Whoever makes it better will say Forget it." The envoy immediately refuted the past upon hearing the words.

"Does he dare to say that he is not imitating him? Oh, how funny! A despicable and shameless thief! Occupying the Ye family's house, and wanting to become him! It's ridiculous!" Liusu didn't listen to such an explanation.

"Hmph, don't put it so nicely, the winner is the king and the loser, whoever is the best is justified, if you have the ability to win the fairy master!" The messenger laughed.

The two people in mid-air confronted each other with weapons in hand.

Zong Yu said to Ye Yuxian: "The blood of the Ye family must be buried by me!"

After finishing speaking, Zong Yu rushed towards Ye Yuxian with a spear in his hand.

With the red light of the divine soldier itself, with a biting murderous aura and powerful combat power.

The guns are fierce, the guns are deadly, and every shot almost tears the night sky!

If there is a slight mistake, the change will be shot through the body.

Such a move with such a powerful combat power has far exceeded people's definition of an ordinary master.

And his opponent Ye Yuxian, who was in his 20s, unexpectedly followed up with such a fierce attack!

Under the night sky, the dark red light and the pale light constantly collided, canceled out, and swallowed.

In the distance, seeing the battle in the air, the old man of the Jin family was stunned, speechless for a long while.

Mr. Jin really didn't expect this ambitious man to become so strong after more than 20 years!
"Father?" Jin Yuhui called Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin looked at the two people under the night sky, and said in a daze, "Now the world is dominated by young people. With Zong Yu's current cultivation level, I can't handle three tricks."

Jin Yuhui was shocked when she heard the words. She knew what kind of personality her father had. With his unyielding temperament, if the other party was only a little bit stronger, he would definitely not say such a thing.

The reason for her father to say such a thing must be that the other party has become so strong that he can't match it.

Jin Yuhui then looked towards the top of the mountain.

"Then Mr. Han can still draw with him...wouldn't it be..."

Mr. Jin said with emotion: "Yes, so this is the world of young people. Mr. Han is only in his 20s, and he already has this attainment... Although his combat effectiveness is inferior to Zong Yu, he is still very good at fighting with weapons. The precise use of force has an advantage in control. Hey... I can't admit defeat."

This is the pinnacle duel in Lingxu Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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