Chapter 1531 The Night of the Battle: Wings of the Black Bird

his wife?That ugly woman who holds the Sunset Bow, but whose cultivation is only at the middle level of the Divine Movement Realm?

What can a woman in the mid-level of the Divine Movement Realm do at this time.

All eyes immediately fell on Su Wanyi.

But Su Wanyi suddenly put down the Sunset Bow in his hand.

What's the situation?
At such a critical time, she actually put down her weapon?
This is something that only surrender and give up do.

After the Sunset Bow left Su Wanyi's hand, it flew aside by itself.

A golden light suddenly appeared on Su Wanyi's back.

Gradually, the light took shape.

A pair of wings composed of golden light appeared.

The wings are seven or eight meters long.

The light is dazzling, like the sun in front of you.

The feather texture on the wings is clearly visible.

There is an awe-inspiring power.

Su Wanyi's pregnant belly, plain clothes, and a huge fake birthmark painted on her face made her look unattractive.

But the pair of wings behind her are extremely beautiful and brilliant.

Everyone stopped to look at Su Wanyi...

The expression on the face is either horror or surprise.

Can't believe it.

A pair of wings, a pair of gorgeous and dazzling wings of light grew from the back of this woman!

The moment Kui Niu saw the pair of wings, it reacted violently. It ran away in a hurry, as if it had encountered something that made it extremely frightened.

Nine-headed Xiangliu was also instantly shocked by this pair of wings.

"What is this?" The messenger asked with a question mark on his face.

Why is there such a pair of wings on the back of this ugly woman?

And from a distance, you can feel that the aura around the woman has changed after the pair of wings appeared, making people awe-inspiring!

"How many things have you hidden!" Elder Zhu Xian gritted his teeth, and the whole sentence was squeezed out from between his teeth.

Chang Sun Xun also wanted to know this question.

How many things did the couple hide!

He has no idea!
Not to mention Chang Sun Xun didn't know, even Ye Zhen and Chu Xingyun didn't know.

That day in the endless desert, only Su Wanyi stayed till the end.

In the end, what Su Wanyi experienced in the space and what kind of ancient relics he got, no one knows.

Su Wanyi didn't mention it after she came back, and they couldn't take the initiative to ask.

And for a period of time after that, Su Wanyi never took out the ancient relics.

Daibao's face is full of grievances, but he doesn't know it either!
Mother actually found such a handsome pair of wings!He doesn't even know!Mother didn't even tell him!
He is no longer mother's little baby!

Apart from Su Wanyi, the only insider is Ye Yuxian. The couple said it while they were just chatting under the quilt, so of course others don't know.

Zong Yu's face became even uglier...

It is true that her own cultivation is only at the middle level of the spiritual realm.

But the pair of wings that appeared on her body were far from this level!

Under the protection of the power of those wings, what this woman displayed was at least the strength of the spirit realm.

"The wings of the mysterious bird?"

It was the voice of the prisoner cow, and there was great surprise in the gentle voice.

Following the prisoner cow, he glanced at the panicked Kui Niu beside him, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

The wings of the mysterious bird belonged to that person.

It's just that the person is dead.

And that person's death had something to do with Zilong. Although it was not Zilong's original intention, she was an accomplice.

 The ancient relics obtained in the endless desert are the wings of the mysterious bird, not the space. As Su Wanyi said earlier, the space goes along.

  The space is used to protect the ancient relics. After Su Wanyi got the ancient relics, she abducted the space by the way.

  ----small theater----

  Su Wanyi: Chongchong, I suspect you play too many games.

  Worm: why?Which eye of yours saw me playing games?

  Su Wanyi: The two big golden wings in the back are also holding a bow, don't you think I look like a certain shooter in a certain game?
  Worm: No, no, no, you are not alike at all, don't worry, your wings are light and translucent, more handsome than that.

  Su Wanyi: Why do I feel that you are still perfunctory to me.

  Worm: Absolutely not, I swear, I haven't played a game lately.

  Su Wanyi: Really?

  Worm: I swear, I code words when I have time recently, how can I play games when I have time (wipe away tears)
(End of this chapter)

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