Chapter 1539 The night of the decisive battle: the fetters of the sharp gun

Although the owner died and the contract ended, it still remembered him...

His corpse was treated in such a humiliating way, the former subordinates couldn't bear it, and the former Mingfeng Shenqiang couldn't bear it either.

Inspired by this, Mingfeng Shenqiang came by himself.

It's just that it didn't come at the right time!

After knowing that it was the Mingfeng Magic Spear, everyone was shocked, happy and panicked, and they were in a complicated mood and didn't know how to express it.

Sunset Divine Bow, Lingyue Divine Sword, Hidden Dragon Divine Saber, Mingfeng Divine Spear.

All four Heaven and Earth Divine Weapons are here!

At this moment that no one expected, the peerless scene that countless people have wanted to witness for thousands of years——the assembly of the Four God Soldiers was actually achieved just like this...

When Zong Yu saw that it was the Mingfeng Divine Spear, he turned around and headed towards the Mingfeng Divine Spear without hesitation.

He had been thinking about the Mingfeng Divine Spear for decades, and the Divine Spear was right in front of him at this moment, how could he let it miss.

And he believed that if he could get the Mingfeng Gun, he could turn the tide of the battle!

What Zong Yu can think of, other people can think of, they must not let Zong Yu get the Mingfeng gun.

Everyone was heading towards the Mingfeng Divine Spear, but at this moment, the Mingfeng Divine Spear emitted a piercing cold light...

The light was so great that everyone couldn't look directly at it, and they instinctively wanted to turn their heads away to avoid the cold light.

In the cold light, a silver phoenix loomed.

Gradually, the silver phoenix became clearer and more vivid, as if it was alive.

The silver phoenix flew around the sharp gun.

No matter whether it was Zong Yu, Ye Yuxian, or anyone else, there was no way to get close to the Mingfeng Divine Spear at this time.

The silver phoenix left the sharp gun and flew towards the nine-headed willow...

The silver phoenix quickly passed through the nine dragon heads, and snatched the body of its original owner from Xiang Liu's mouth...

One, two, three...

It snatched the body of its original owner from the mouth of the nine-headed Xiangliu, and swallowed it into its silver body.

Then he flew back immediately and landed beside the sharp gun.

The silver light faded, and the figure of the silver phoenix gradually disappeared, turning back to a silver cold light... Finally, even the cold light gradually dissipated.

The last thing that appeared on the ground was Father Ye's body.

A complete corpse, a complete corpse that has been sewn together by something silver.

Lying peacefully next to Mingfeng Divine Spear.

The sharp gun still glowed with silver light, shining on the body of its original owner...

This man who used to dominate the world and look down on the world...

Mingfeng Shenqiang did one last thing for its dead original owner.

Finally, the silver light dissipated, and everything returned to calm.

A corpse, a sharpshooter.

In a trance, people seem to see the king looking down on the world, holding a spear, looking back and smiling lightly.

The brilliance of the sun and the moon, the beauty of the mountains and rivers, are no match for his elegance.

The Mingfeng Divine Spear without an owner shouldn't have exerted its power.

But Mingfeng Shenqiang did it, what kind of miraculous scene is this?
This is something that the other three Heaven and Earth Divine Weapons cannot do at present.

The Mingfeng Divine Spear can do it because of the strength of its original owner, and also because of the bond between it and its original owner that goes beyond ordinary contracts.

Without the threat of Father Ye's corpse, Su Wanyi immediately launched the final attack on Nine-headed Prime Minister Liu.

Leaving no leeway, use 100% of your full strength.

She wants to chop the nine-headed willow into pieces!

Thousands of points of golden light penetrated the body of the Nine-headed Xiangliu, and the huge body of the Nine-headed Xiangliu fell to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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