Chapter 1543 Battle Night: Dawn

"Daibao, go and drag your godfather here, your younger sister is about to be born!" Ye Yuxian gave Daibao an important task.

Daibao ran quickly, his calf seemed to be equipped with a small electric motor.

Just as Daibao ran out, the thing in Su Wanyi's stomach had already activated.

Zilong hurried over, her body coiled up, surrounding Su Wanyi.

It not only protected Su Wanyi, but also established a temporary "delivery room" for Su Wanyi.

Zilong commanded Ye Yuxian: "Don't look at it, deliver your wife's baby quickly, your wife's situation can't wait for that tomboy to come over, so you have to do it yourself!"

Ye Yuxian asked Zilong: "What should I do?"

No matter how much Ye Yuxian knows, she won't know how to deliver a baby!

"Grandma, how do I know? Our dragons are laying eggs! Just watch and do it, you shouldn't die! Your daughter is not so fragile!" Zilong roared back.

At the same time, Zilong was still paying attention to the situation of Mingfeng Divine Spear and Demon Shadow.

She looked nervous. If the demons were to return to the world, it would be a catastrophe.

There must be no accidents with the Mingfeng Divine Spear...

Everyone frowned, with a look of grief and indignation.

They didn't want anything to happen to the Mingfeng Divine Spear, no matter it was because of the level of resisting the demons, or because of the special significance of the Mingfeng Divine Spear to the Ye family.

But now they really have reached a desperate situation.

Facing the enchantment, they are powerless, and all that awaits them is despair...

Thick haze enveloped the crowd.


A loud cry of a baby broke the silence and tranquility.

At the same time as the cries sounded, a ray of dawn sunlight from the eastern sky also shone on the top of the mountain.

Its daybreak.

They fought all night.

Another child of the Ye family was born.

This is a happy event.

If it wasn't for the immediate crisis, they would definitely cheer.

"Whoa whoa-"

The crying continued, one sound at a time, clear and powerful.

The Mingfeng Divine Spear that had been completely covered by the black liquid suddenly trembled.

The black liquid was shaken off by it, revealing a small piece of silver gun body.

The black liquid that was shaken off tried to climb back again.

But Mingfeng Divine Spear trembled even more.

The shaking speed is faster than the black liquid climbing speed.

More and more silver parts are exposed...

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Mingfeng Shenqiang is actually resisting the demonization of the demons by himself!

Everyone didn't know why such a thing happened, without any warning, Mingfeng Shenqiang just like this.

No matter what happened, they just knew they saw hope, new hope.

Soi Ying didn't want to understand what the Mingfeng Divine Spear was.

He is obviously about to succeed, and in half an hour, he will be able to demonize this sharp gun, making it lose its original divine power.

what happened?The black shadow looked at the gods and beasts outside the barrier.

Was it who among them did what?

Black Shadow was still puzzled, but the Mingfeng Divine Spear flew towards a certain direction by itself.

Then it was installed on the dark black enchantment.


The Mingfeng Divine Spear struck one after another.

It seems that something outside the enchantment is calling it.

Zilong loosened his twisted body, and Ye Yuxian's family reappeared in everyone's sight.

Ye Yuxian held the newborn baby in her arms.

Ye Yuxian wrapped her in his robe.

Other children's skin will be dark red when they are just born, but this child is white and tender when he comes out.

Big flashing eyes, soft face.

(End of this chapter)

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