Chapter 1551
No matter how you look at it, the little guy's attention is attracted by this jar Buddha jumping over the wall.

Bai Yunshan exclaimed: "Isn't it? Isn't Mengbao just born? Why did she start to focus on food? She shouldn't know that these are for food, right?"

Don't talk about whether you can eat it if you have long teeth. I'm afraid you don't even know it's food, right?

"My wife's lineage is stronger."

Ye Yuxian gave a reasonable explanation.

Su Wanyi, a foodie with an open mind, gave birth to the same child as her.

Su Wanyi said that she was innocent, it was true that she loved food, but her child Ye Yuxian also had a part in it.

Following Su Wanyi, she handed the cute treasure to the child's father, picked up the chopsticks, and prepared to start.

Daibao was not far behind, and followed his mother's footsteps closely.

The mother and son, one big and one small, lay on the table and launched a fierce attack on a jar of Buddha jumping over the wall.

People support their foreheads.

It was hopeless, and the daughter was thrown away immediately after the delicious food.

Mother don't want them!

Everyone was about to surround Mengbao and continue teasing Mengbao, but they saw Mengbao's saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth onto her father's palm.

Ye Yuxian: "..."

You didn't drink this milk twice, and you started to jump over the wall?

"Ah... woo... ah... woo..."

The little guy will not finish speaking, he will only make the note of "babbling".

Ye Yuxian hugged Mengbao and sat down next to Su Wanyi.

So that Mengbao can watch her mother and her brother feasting at close range.

I saw her eyes were straight and her saliva was still dripping down.

The onlookers were so distressed that they almost had the urge to give her a taste.

This small appearance is too pitiful!

Su Wanyi glanced at Mengbao, "Be obedient and grow up healthy and healthy. When you grow teeth, I will give you other things to eat."

Right now, the little Mengbao can only pray that Su Wanyi's milk will be more delicious at night after eating Buddha's Jumping Wall.

After the short and cute episode, everyone started to celebrate and carnival.

Everyone pushed cups and changed cups, toasted and staggered, and let them rest after getting drunk.

Everyone ate a sumptuous dinner lively.

# # #
After the celebration, there is still some aftermath to be dealt with after last night's battle.

Ye Zhen is already organizing people to repair Ye's old house and deal with the captives in Linxiantai.

After the battle last night, everyone in Linxiantai was killed and wounded.

Those who survived, those who should be executed have also been executed.

But for some people, Ye Zhen was not sure whether to execute them or not, so he handed them over to Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi to decide.

Ji Yun was one of the people Ye Zhen was not sure about, and she was brought to Su Wanyi.

At this moment, Su Wanyi had already got up from the bed, mainly because the bed she was lying on was useless and she had to get up and move somewhere else.

Facing Su Wanyi, Ji Yun begged for death directly: "Kill me, to end all of this, winner and loser, the eternal theorem, I lose, death is my best destination."

Su Wanyi is teasing the little cute baby in her arms. This guy is too young to understand anything. He has mastered three skills: crying, laughing and drinking milk.

Before Su Wanyi could respond, Ji Yun repeated again: "Why didn't you just kill me directly?"

This time Su Wanyi finally set her sights on her: "We have no enmity with you."

Ji Yun stared at Su Wanyi for a long time, making sure she was not joking: "But I am a member of Linxiantai, so I should be killed based on this, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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