Chapter 1556
Mengbao was full, and finally let go of Ye Yuxian's hair.

At this time, I knew that I had let go, and I didn't know if the brat did it on purpose!
After taking care of Xiaomengbao, Ye Yuxian felt that it was time for the couple.

Carefully putting Mengbao on the bed, Ye Yuxian gently hugged Su Wanyi into her arms...


"Daddy, Daibao brought Tangtang to Sister Mengbao!"

Dai Bao grabbed the candy that he didn't know where it came from, and rushed into the door with excitement on his face.

Daibao, who only had his younger sister Mengbao in his eyes, didn't notice his father's dark face.

# # #
At night, Prisoner Niu came to find Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi.

The prisoner cow is huge, and the meeting place is in the courtyard in front of Ye Yuxian's house.

In mid-air, the huge body of the prisoner cow covered half of the yard.

"I heard you have something to tell me?"

"Yes, I have something very important, I hope you and your wife can help."

"I don't feel it's my obligation to help you."

"You have, this is related to the safety of the entire human race, you must help."

"The affairs of the human race are taken care of by the entire human race. There is no need to leave it to me alone, right? I am just one of thousands of human races."

"But it is an unusual one. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of your Ye family fought side by side with the gods and exiled the demons. As a descendant of the Ye family who inherited the blood of the Ye family, you should also inherit the blood of the ancestors of the Ye family." will."

"What if I don't?"

"No, you have it. The mark of subduing demons on your hand is the best proof. If you don't have the will, the ancestors of the Ye family would definitely not give you the mark of subduing demons."

Prisoner Niu was very determined, no matter how reluctant Ye Yuxian said it, he couldn't conceal his true thoughts.

Prisoner Niu said another reason: "Besides that you are a descendant of the Ye family, there are two other reasons why you must do this. The first one is related to your wife."

"What's wrong with my wife?" Ye Yuxian narrowed his eyes, with danger and vigilance in his eyes.

"The wings of the mysterious bird on her body are very special. When she got this ancient relic, she also assumed certain responsibilities accordingly, and she couldn't escape."

"What about the second one?"

"The second one is the Heaven and Earth Divine Weapon. The demons are afraid of the power of the four Heaven and Earth Divine Weapons, and they are trying to destroy the Heaven and Earth Divine Weapon. You saw it last time. The target of the black shadow was the Mingfeng Divine Spear, which was in an unowned state at that time. Although they did not succeed last time, in order to see the light of day again, they will definitely look for another opportunity to strike. The four heaven and earth soldiers are all on your family, and you will undoubtedly become the targets of the demons. Compared with being passively beaten, I think Being proactive will be more in line with your style of doing things."

Ye Yuxian had to admit that what Prisoner Niu said hit the point.

In fact, during this period of time, he had considered this issue, and indeed, as Prisoner Niu said, he did plan to take the initiative.

"You're right, what about you? Why do you care so much about this matter?" Ye Yuxian asked Prisoner Bull.

"I also participated in the expulsion of the demons back then. Naturally, I don't want to see them break through the seal and leave the Infernal Purgatory. In fact, they have a way to leave the Infernal Purgatory now, but the method of leaving is a bit special, so that only a small number of them can come out now. Mozu people."

(End of this chapter)

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