Chapter 1562 Let's Get Married!
At Daibao's age, he didn't know how much misunderstanding the word "sleep" would cause.

Han Yuanfeng thought, what should he do?

It doesn't matter if he is criticized by others, but the reputation of the villain Miss Jin is too bad!
Han Yuanfeng can't rush out to argue with others now, for fear that it will become darker and darker like last time.

Han Yuanfeng continued to walk, and when he passed a flower bed, he heard the discussion of several servants.

"Have you heard? Uncle and Miss Jin... what is there...*&...#@%..."

"Oh, does that mean that something good is coming?"

"Probably yes, the wedding will probably be held soon! The Jin family aunt is beautiful, virtuous, and skillful. Which man wouldn't want to marry her back home!"

"Don't say that, our uncle is not bad! Look at how long our uncle has been here, and his cultivation has already reached a higher level! It is said that the place where the uncle stayed originally did not have enough aura, and the cultivation conditions were not good. The promotion of cultivation base is slow! Now his cultivation base is rising slowly here, which shows that the talent is there!"

"Yes, yes, yes, just look at our wife, and you will know that uncle and master are not far behind!"


Han Yuanfeng took a deep breath.

Just as he was about to explode, Ye Zhen walked towards him.

Ye Zhen had a smile on his face, and the smile was meaningful, which made Han Yuanfeng flustered inexplicably.

Han Yuanfeng thought that Ye Zhen must have heard the rumors too.

He wanted to explain, but he didn't say anything. If he explained it inexplicably, it would only make people think that there is no silver 300 taels here.

Han Yuanfeng felt uncomfortable.

"Uncle, Madam is looking for you." Ye Zhen came to pass the news.

"Hmm." Han Yuanfeng responded sullenly.

It's also good to think about meeting your niece. My niece believes in me. After telling her, she might be able to give me justice.

As long as she gives the order, the entire Ye family will definitely not dare to speak nonsense anymore.

How did Han Yuanfeng know that these "nonsense" can spread so wildly because his precious niece fanned the flames behind his back.

Han Yuanfeng's temperament is generally clear to Su Wanyi, if they let them go with the flow, they don't know how to wait until the year of the monkey before the two of them can achieve a positive result.

So Su Wanyi planned to add fuel to the flames, let the two worship at the church first, and talk about the rest slowly.

This is not the first time such a thing has been done, Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi are the precedents.

Han Yuanfeng met Su Wanyi in the flower hall.

Su Wanyi's face was serious and her eyes were solemn.

Han Yuanfeng's heart clicked.

"Uncle, have you heard the rumors going on in the Ye family?" Su Wanyi cut straight to the point.

"Wan Yi, you know the truth of this matter, those rumors outside are too unreliable!" Han Yuanfeng angrily.

"But uncle, what Daibao saw was true. And the current rumors are very bad for you and Miss Jin."

"I know, so Wanyi, look, can you help me find a way?"

"I think it's better to ignore it than to block it."

"Sparse? What kind of sparse method?"

"Let's get married."

"What? Get married?" Han Yuanfeng shook his head again and again, "No, no, how can this be possible?"

While Han Yuanfeng refused, there was another voice in his heart saying the opposite point of view.

It's just that the voice was a little weak and was directly covered.

(End of this chapter)

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