Chapter 1573

Dumbledore seems to have a particular fondness for brightly colored things.

Feathers can be proposed, although the idea is not conventional, but at least it is much more suitable than poisonous snakes and venomous insects.

So Mengbao started his journey to find feathers.

I don't know how many small animals in the forest will face the tragic fate of being plucked.

# # #
Xu Sheng and Qin Ruoshi were also invited to Mengbao's full moon banquet, which made them very flattered.

The status of the two of them did not qualify them to appear on such an occasion, but they were unexpectedly invited!
Xu Sheng was so nervous that he felt his heart beating violently when he thought that the humble family who had been with him as preliminary disciples in Yingfeng Pavilion turned out to be the Ye family, who is now the overlord of the world.

Thinking back to what I said to them before, I wish I could slap myself a few times.

Hey, there is nothing wrong with him worshiping the eldest grandson, but what he didn't expect was that when he was worshiping the eldest grandson, the person beside him was a terrifying existence that was even more powerful than the eldest grandson.

He really blinded his dog's eyes!
While Xu Sheng was excited, he was also worried.

You can't go to the full moon banquet empty-handed, you must prepare something to express your heart.

But what to give?

That little lady must have everything, and ordinary things must be out of hand.

But he couldn't come up with anything else of value!
There was nothing valuable about him.

Apart from……

Xu Sheng remembered the only unusual thing he was carrying on his body, because of this thing, he was hunted down before.

But the thing, though unusual, was not worth much.

It was given to him by his grandfather before his death, saying it was passed down from their family.

Grandpa also said that he must protect it and not let it fall into the wrong hands.

Hey, Xu Sheng sighed, it's impossible to give this thing as a gift.

In the end, Xu Sheng resigned to his fate. Anyway, he couldn't compare to other guests with status and status. He should just do what he can do honestly.

Going to catch a few fish, catch a few pheasants, and catch a few wild animals is my own wish.

Xu Sheng worked very seriously, picking up a whole load of things in one afternoon.

On the way back to Ye's house, Xu Sheng and Dai Bao met.

I saw Daibao dragging a sack of things.

The sack was quite big, and the contents inside were still moving, as if it were something alive.

When Dai Bao saw Xu Sheng, he sweetly called him "Brother Xu!"

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it!" Xu Sheng waved his hands quickly.

"Why don't you dare to be? Aren't you a brother?"

Daibao asked puzzled.

"Young master, you are the young master of the Ye family, and I am a commoner, how can I call you brother!" Xu Sheng smiled innocently, having a very clear understanding of his identity.

"But I called you Brother Xu before."

"That's different."

He didn't know his true identity before.

Thinking about it now, I was really slow to react.

Dai Bao is so powerful at such a young age, can he be an ordinary person?
"What's the difference? You're still Brother Xu, and Daibao is still Daibao, there's no difference."

Daibao didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Xu Sheng froze for a moment, staring blankly at Daibao's serious and pure eyes.

After a while, Xu Sheng smiled in relief.

"Yes, nothing is different, all the same!"

"Yeah!" Dai Bao nodded in satisfaction, it's obviously the same!See, he was not mistaken.

(End of this chapter)

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