Chapter 1584 Vision of Suo Ling Mountain
"Don't worry, uncle. This is indeed a good thing, not a bad thing. You can wait at ease. As for the specific place, I really don't know where it is, and it's probably not within our reach."

Ye Zhen explained for Han Yuanfeng.

Su Cheng patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder, "Since it's all like this, let's wait patiently."

Although Han Yuanfeng was not completely relieved, he had no choice but to believe everyone's words.

He didn't know where to find his niece's family.

So everyone began to wait, waiting for Ye Yuxian's family to come back.

This wait is a full three months.

Three months have passed, Ye Yuxian and others did not wait, but a bad news came.

Ye Zhen frowned. He had just received news that many strange phenomena had occurred near the Suoling Mountains.

The sky above the Suo Ling Mountain Range was shrouded in black clouds, and the vicinity of the ground was eroded by black miasma.

All the vegetation, birds and animals nearby died.

The entire Suo Ling Mountain Range is like this.

This is not a good sign.

If the situation continues to deteriorate, it may endanger the entire Lingxu Continent.

Now that Ye Yuxian is not here, Ye Zhen and Chu Xingyun are temporarily in charge of the Ye family's affairs.

Ye Zhen called everyone in the Ye family, told them the news they had just received, and then asked for their opinions.

After hearing the news, everyone's faces showed terrified expressions.

Especially Aping people.

The Suo Ling Mountain Range is their home!

The Ghost Domain is at the gap in the Suo Ling Mountain Range!
If it is said that the vicinity of the Suo Ling Mountain Range has been eroded by an unknown black miasma, then isn't the ghost domain already in dire straits?

After the discussion, everyone decided to go to the Suo Ling Mountain Range.

Chu Xingyun said firmly: "No matter what happened there, we must rush to stop it before it gets worse, and we can't let more innocent people be implicated."

Ye Zhen agrees with this view.

A Ping said: "We have to rush back first. The gap in the Suoling Mountains is the ghost domain, which is our home. There are still many of us staying there, as well as the aborigines of the ghost domain. Their home is There, I don’t know what their situation is now, whether they are in danger, we must rush there as soon as possible to confirm the situation and rescue them.”

That's their home!

They cannot allow their home and the family they left at home to suffer!
"Okay, you go first, and the rest of us can start after we have reorganized our troops." Ye Zhen asked A Ping to go first.

Aping, Azhou, Xiaoying, and Dongzi are about to leave, and they dare not delay for a moment.

The rest of the people assembled in the evening, set off overnight, and rushed to the Suo Ling Mountain Range without stopping.

When everyone arrived near the Suo Ling Mountain Range, the vicinity was already in depression.

The outskirts of Qingshan City, which is closest to the Suo Ling Mountain Range, are no longer growing.

The people in Qingshan City were injured from running.

Seeing Ye Zhen and the others, Qu Jingjiang cried and knelt down.

"Mr. Ye, help! Mr. Ye, please save us!"

"You get up first."

"If Mr. Ye doesn't promise me, I won't get up!"

Qu Jingjiang's mood has sunk to the bottom at this moment. If Qingshan City is over, then he is also over.

He also doesn't care about dignity and indignity. If there is no Qingshan City, he will not be the lord of the city. What kind of dignity is there?
(End of this chapter)

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