Chapter 300 Who is so bold to come to the Imperial Mausoleum to make trouble?

Damn, you can still speak so confidently if you don't admit it!

Su Wanyi replied: "Marriage is a big deal, is it a joke? I don't want to, what's the use of marrying me back? He can beat me now, but if I want to run away, can he stay? Otherwise, you can kill me and try."

Jing Ye also hurriedly said: "Senior, you really misunderstood, Miss Wanyi and I are not what you think, please let us go."

"Hmph! Just because he can't beat you now doesn't mean he won't be able to beat you in the future either!"


There was a loud bang followed by a slight shaking.

The huge movement interrupted the dialogue between the three.

what's the situation?

Another loud noise came from above.

Feeling that the sound was getting closer, the tomb where Su Wanyi and the others were in was also shaken.

Dust fell from all around, and the whole stone room shook.

"It's unreasonable, who is so bold to make trouble in the underground palace of my imperial mausoleum! I'm going to screw his head off!"

The old man was very angry and furious.

Attacking the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum is provoking the imperial court and provoking the Xuanyuan royal family!
The ones lying in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum are the ancestors of their Xuanyuan family!this is to
Seeing the old man go out aggressively, Su Wanyi and Jing Ye hurriedly followed.

The old man was furious, and he only cared about going up to find the saboteurs to settle accounts, and he didn't care whether the two of them ran away, so he could go out smoothly by following him at this time.

The white-haired old man ran outside and saw a huge black snake making trouble.

Su Wanyi looked at the snake, "Isn't this the black mirror?"

After she sealed the black mirror that day, it was Ye Yuxian who dissipated the grievances on the black mirror and restored it to its original appearance, and was finally taken away by Ye Yuxian.

Why does Black Mirror have such a huge body today?

But it seems that Black Mirror's current state is not as irritable as before, although it is still making trouble.

"Who? Stand up for the old man!"

The old man roared, Su Wanyi and Jing Ye hurriedly covered their ears.

The old man's voice is too much for ordinary people.

The two of them have good cultivation, but because they are standing close to each other, their heads are buzzing if they don't cover their ears.

Black Mirror stopped suddenly, as if he had noticed the white-haired old man.

Black Mirror swam towards the old man.

At the same time, a figure landed on Black Mirror's head, moving along with Black Mirror.

Black and red clothes, fluttering sleeves, long ink-like hair fluttering gently in the wind.

Familiar mask, sneering upward corners of the mouth.

Is it not Ye Yuxian or who?

Why is he here?

And bring a black mirror to the imperial mausoleum to make trouble?
Are you full?

As soon as Ye Yuxian arrived, the imperial tomb guards came out and surrounded Ye Yuxian and the black mirror.

The last time Black Mirror made trouble near the imperial tomb, but it was outside the jurisdiction of the imperial tomb guards, so the imperial tomb guards did not take action.

This time, Black Mirror directly made trouble in the underground palace of the imperial tomb, and the guards of the imperial tomb were mobilized.

Ye Yuxian looked at Su Wanyi with resentment, her whole body was charming, like a demon or a fairy.

Seeing that she is in good spirits, she is not tired at all, but her face is rosy and she is full of energy.

This damn goblin!Damn bitch!I don't want my son anymore, so I ran to save the wild man!It's been ten days!
If she hadn't caught two bastards, she would have thought she had eloped with a wild man!

Very good, although it's not elopement, but it's not that good either!
Su Wanyi noticed that Ye Yuxian was staring at herself, so she quickly stared back.

Is it bigger than the eyes? ╭(╯^╰)╮

Ye Yuxian gritted her teeth and dared to stare back at him!
 Su Wanyi: Is this person full?What kind of trouble did you come here to make trouble in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum?

  Ye Yuxian gritted her teeth: I didn't do it because of you, you bitch!

  Su Wanyi: For me?I have reported safety!

  Ye Yuxian: You want to make me a real widow, right?

(End of this chapter)

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