Chapter 469
The person who did it was Duan Xingchen.

"It's so evil to say, the appearance is very scary, but the reality is nothing more than that!"

Duan Xingchen drew the sword back with disdain.

As a result, just as he drew his sword back, the black bat that had stopped moving just now flew up with a "bass", and flew towards Duan Xingchen.

Fortunately, Duan Mingyue shot in time, and another sword pierced through the bat's head.

Duan Xingchen didn't expect this situation either, looking at the bat whose head was pierced by the sword again, "What's going on with this thing?"

"Xingchen, don't underestimate the enemy. The horror of black bats is not just talking."

"Thank you, sister." Duan Xingchen admitted that he really underestimated the bat.

The black bat that didn't go through the head didn't move anymore. It seemed that if you want to get rid of this damn thing, you have to attack its head.

Looking at the dead body of the black bat, everyone recovered from the shock.

"The brothers and sisters of the Duan family really deserve their reputation!"

"It's really amazing to get rid of the black bat so easily. With the two of you here, we will definitely be able to complete this mission smoothly!"

"You are so young and promising! We feel more at ease with you here!"


Everyone was full of admiration, and they did not hesitate to praise the Duan family siblings.

Su Wanyi, who was at the front, and the others reacted relatively calmly.

Duan Mingyue and Duan Xingchen's brother and sister both have ninth-level cultivation bases, so it's nothing to be surprised if they can deal with a black bat.

If they couldn't deal with one of them, then when thousands of black bats came out, they would all have to wait to die.

I have seen it just now, it is difficult to kill a black bat, but a group of black bats are flying over, how are they going to survive?

Just one is not worth the joy.

The third prince said: "If this happens again in a while, don't shout so loudly, it will attract others, and it will only cause more trouble."

Su Wanyi said: "Most bats have poor eyesight, but they have a keen auditory orientation system. They can send out ultrasonic waves through their throats and then use the ultrasonic responses to identify directions and detect targets. Although this kind of bat is a bit weird, but Since it still has the shape of a bat, it should also have such characteristics.”

After Su Wanyi finished speaking, she found that everyone was staring at her in surprise.

Auditory Orientation System?

What the hell?

"Ahem, what I mean is that this thing is more sensitive to hearing than sight." Su Wanyi explained, realizing that she had said a super-class word.

Duan Xingchen sneered: "Don't pretend, can you? Pretend that you understand it well. If you really meet, isn't it just for watching? It's king to show your real skills!"

"I hope Mr. Duan can always perform so well and protect us all." Su Wanyi said to Duan Xingchen,...

She really doesn't mind lying down and winning!The kind to lie down comfortably!Waiting for others to do all the work, she just needs to watch!

Duan Xingchen snorted, and said in his heart: If you are really in great danger, I won't protect you bitch!I was watching how you were bitten to pieces by black bats!

"Look, there seems to be a big tree in front of you. That tree seems to be different!"

Shangguan Mu Han said to everyone.

The entire Black Bat Domain is extremely desolate, and even the air around them is turbid. After walking this way, the living things they saw were either cockroaches or mice, and they were all small animals that could survive in a rotting environment.

(End of this chapter)

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