Chapter 493 Come on, little master!Blast this bad woman!
"Little master!"

A group of old men couldn't hold back their tears in the end, and the tears fell out one by one.

Daibao's innocent and childish words touched the softest part of their hearts.

After Dai Bao finished talking to the soldiers and uncles, he turned to look at Duan Mingyue.

This is a bad woman!Very bad very bad kind!

She couldn't move the sick uncle and another uncle!Must be a big bad guy!
Mother said, you can't talk nonsense with the big villain!I want to blow her head off!

Duan Mingyue raised her sword, with murderous intent in her eyes.

She was mad at Dai Bao.

After Phoenix Blood sensed the opponent's killing intent, it automatically protected Daibao with light.

"Your phoenix blood can protect you from swords, but can it protect you from my Soul-Leaving Mirror?"

Seeing the red light, Duan Mingyue used the Lihun Mirror held in the other hand to deal with Dai Bao.

"Little master, don't look at that mirror! Just now the third prince and Mr. Shangguan lost consciousness after looking at the mirror!"

Seeing this, the generals of Da Qi hurriedly shouted.

Duan Mingyue said: "It's useless, it's already too late."

The kid has already seen it.

No one can escape from the soul mirror.

The phoenix blood can only help the little ghost resist physical damage, but it can't stop the control of the Soul-Living Mirror.

Duan Mingyue continued to step forward, trying to get rid of Daibao while he was under the control of the Soul-Living Mirror.

Before she could approach, Dai Bao took the Yinlong Sword, jumped into the air, and then slashed at Duan Mingyue.

In the face of very bad villains, you can't talk nonsense!

To cut directly!

Duan Mingyue was not mentally prepared, and almost couldn't dodge in time. Fortunately, Dai Bao's knife skills were still clumsy, and his jumping and chopping movements were too obvious, which gave her time to dodge.

"Okay! The little master is amazing!"

Seeing that the little master not only was not controlled, but also fought back, the generals of Daqi cheered, with excited and excited expressions.

"Come on, little master! Destroy this bad woman!"

"Come on, little master!"


Seeing that Daibao's eyes were clear, Duan Mingyue was full of surprise, "What's going on? Why are you alright?"

Could it be that it was not photographed just now?
Duan Mingyue thought it was because she didn't take a picture just now, so she took another picture of Daibao with the Soul-Living Mirror.

Then Dai Bao raised his knife and slashed at her.

I can still move, but I still haven't been hit!

"How could this be?" Duan Mingyue was stunned.

Why does this little ghost have nothing to do after being photographed by the mirror of leaving the soul?

Duan Mingyue probably forgot that the premise of the Soul-Leaving Mirror is that the person being illuminated has a weakness and a dark side in his heart.

The Soul-Leaving Mirror can magnify the dark side and make people lose their souls.

But Daibao is only three years old!

His life is as clean as a blank sheet of paper, where does the dark side come from?
Duan Mingyue gritted her teeth, even if the Soul-Living Mirror didn't work, she could still take down this brat!
Facing the murderous Duan Mingyue, Dai Bao was not afraid at all, and while holding the hidden dragon sword, he began to use the flying leaf that his uncle Ye Zi gave him to seize the soul.

There were no fresh leaves on the ground, so Daibao took out a stack of gold leaves from his sleeve.

Uncle Ye Zi gave it to him.

Uncle Ye Zi said that using gold leaves is less difficult and more harmful than using ordinary leaves.

Uncle Ye Zi also said that he had to hide it so that his mother could not see it.

Let the mother see it and it will be gone.

I saw pieces of gold leaves flying in the air, dancing in bursts.

While Duan Mingyue was panicked, her eyes were full of anger.

She recognizes this move!

She had seen him use this move before!
(End of this chapter)

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