Chapter 496 She wants to fight alongside him!

After seeing the monster clearly, Zhan Tianhen shouted to the people behind him: "Run, this is the king of black bats!"

"The king of black bats?" Su Wanyi looked at Zhan Tianhen.

"Yes, the King of the Black Bat, it is the one that was sealed! It can only be sealed in the Tomb of the Black Bat without being killed by the ancestors. But the seal has been loosened recently, and it can leave the range of the Tomb of the Black Bat!"

Even Zhan Tianhen couldn't calm down at this moment.

The grave of the black bat means the grave of the king of the black bat.

What they want to repair is the seal that specifically seals this one.

Hearing Zhan Tianhen's words, everyone showed a look of despair.

run?Can they escape?
Zhan Tianhen's eyes fell on everyone, they were all exhausted.

When he, Su Wanyi and the black mirror were fighting on the frontal battlefield, a few sporadic bats attacked from the flanks and rear. These people desperately defended against the black bats from the other three directions.

As for himself, he has reached his limit.

Although the wounds on his body were not fatal, his combat strength was exhausted.

Ye Yuxian didn't move, Zhan Tianhen said to him: "Hurry up and take everyone to evacuate, I know you are strong, but this thing cannot be killed by one or two people! If you still have the ability, take it with you!" Let everyone escape!"

Not only did Ye Yuxian not listen to Zhan Tianhen's words, but he also walked in the direction of the black bat king.

Su Wan agreed and pulled him back.

"Ye Yuxian, what are you doing? Don't mess around!"

Ye Yuxian stopped, stretched out his hand, and pinched Su Wanyi's nose lightly: "Leave it to me."

There was a reassuring power to his tone.

"I can't let you go on an adventure alone!" Su Wanyi said, frowning.

"Then you can cover me remotely when you think it is necessary." Ye Yuxian said.

Su Wanyi is good at bows and arrows, which are used for long-range attacks.

Ye Yuxian said again: "Be good, I'm the only one who can handle this guy. When it gets closer, the people behind you won't be able to keep it."

Su Wanyi paused.

Looking at Ye Yuxian, she was speechless.

Ye Yuxian smiled lightly, then walked towards the big monster.

Looking at Ye Yuxian's back, Su Wan was lost in thought.

He came here because of her.

He knew that she wanted to protect Daqi's soldiers.

He understood her thoughts and helped her accomplish what she wanted to do.

Su Wanyi shook her head, now is not the time to think about these things!
Su Wanyi picked up the Sunset Bow and aimed it in the direction of the Black Bat King.

She wants to cover him and fight side by side with him!

Zhan Tianhen looked at Su Wanyi, her face paled significantly.

Killing so many black bats and shooting so many arrows just now, her combat power loss is no less than his.

At this time, she was already very reluctant to open the bow again.

With her current situation, at most she can shoot two more arrows.

If you use that trick "Fallen Star", you can barely do it once.

Zhan Tianhen wanted to stop Su Wanyi from shooting again, but he also knew that there was no other way.

They can only fight with their backs.

Zhan Tianhen looked at Ye Yuxian who had already walked to the front, he was the only hope left, even if it was only a very slim hope.

When Ye Yuxian stopped, the Black Bat King also stopped.

The huge figure covered Ye Yuxian under a shadow.

Ye Yuxian faced the Black Bat King at such a close distance, without showing any timidity.

The legs of the people who were standing a hundred meters away had already weakened.

(End of this chapter)

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