Chapter 500 Dumb is angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well!

"You wait for mother for a while, and mother will let go after a while." Su Wanyi said to Dai Bao.

Following Su Wanyi, she curled her lips into a smile.

Ignored Dai Bao's grievance.

And under Duan Mingyue's angry eyes.

Nodding his feet, he kissed Ye Yuxian's lips.

Ye Yuxian's eyes widened.

She actually took the initiative.

kissed him.

while awake.

Ye Yuxian only paused for two seconds.

Immediately after reacting, turn passive into active.

Ye Yuxian freed up a hand to pick up Daibao, so that Su Wanyi's hand could cover Daibao's eyes.

Dai Bao didn't know what happened, but felt that one hand was grabbing him, and the other was covering his eyes.

Woo woo woo.

"Uncle Yezi, mother, let go of Daibao, Daibao can't see it, can't see it, woo woo woo..."

Dai Bao made a faint protest, but was ignored by those two people.

Zhan Tianhen has already turned his back.

These two people, in broad daylight, are really...

Thousands of soldiers showed "aunt smile" one by one, and then turned their faces away wisely.

Duan Mingyue was going crazy.

"Su Wanyi! Damn you! I'll kill you! I...I..."

Duan Mingyue yelled and sobbed, as far as she could see, Ye Yuxian was not the passive one.

She could see Ye Yuxian's devoted expression.

Duan Mingyue collapsed, Su Wanyi's kiss directly stimulated her to collapse.

From the moment Ye Yuxian turned passive into active, things were out of Su Wanyi's control.

Su Wanyi wanted to push it away several times, but someone...

After a long while, Su Wanyi blushed and pushed someone away.

There was a smile on Ye Yuxian's face, a satisfied smile.

Su Wanyi glared at Ye Yuxian angrily.


There was another one with a blushing face, who made a weak protest again.


Su Wanyi hastily let go of her hand covering Daibao's eyes.

Dai Bao looked at his mother pitifully, his small appearance was extremely pitiful.

"Mother is bad! Uncle Ye Zi is also bad!"


Su Wanyi couldn't refute this protest.

Damn it, I can't help it, it's not suitable for children, your mother, I can't let you see it!
Daibao put his hands on his hips, his mouth was pouting so angry that he could hang an oil bottle!

He is angry!

The kind that can't be coaxed well!

Ye Yuxian picked up the poor little girl, and then picked up the burden on the ground.

This bag was carried when he came in. At that time, he came in with two bags, one was Su Wanyi and Daibao's magical soldiers.

The other burden has never been known what it is. Before he went to duel with the black bat king just now, the burden was put aside.

Ye Yuxian took out a chicken leg wrapped in oil paper from the bag.

Pass it to Daibao.

Just now, Dai Bao was a pitiful little aggrieved, the kind who ignored anyone who called him.

When I saw the chicken legs, my eyes immediately lit up, and I reached out to pick up the chicken legs.

But when the little hand touched the chicken leg, he hesitated again.

Withdrew the little hand and turned the little face away from the other side.

Hmph, he won't be bought by a chicken leg!

Su Wanyi stared at the chicken leg and swallowed unconsciously.

It's been a day and I'm hungry.

Everyone came in desperately, and if they couldn't complete the task before dark, they would be brought to the dog.

I brought all the tools I could use, the rope, the antidote and so on, but I didn't bring anything to eat.

Who would have thought of bringing something to eat?

Who would have thought that Ye Yuxian would carry a burden of food?

(End of this chapter)

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