Chapter 502 Releasing the Control of the Third Prince and Shangguan

Su Wanyi can choose to kill Duan Mingyue, and then find a suitable next artifact owner to release the control of the third prince and Shangguan Muhan.

The disadvantage of doing this is that it may take a long time.

The recognition of the master of the artifact is something that cannot be sought.

If it takes too long to find a suitable candidate, the lives of the third prince and Shangguan Muhan will be in danger.

Duan Mingyue's pupils continued to dilate, "Su Wanyi, you killed me, and my Duan family chased your mother and son to the ends of the earth!"

"Do you think anyone will know how you died?" Su Wanyi asked back, "Look around here carefully, those who are awake are all my people. I have the final say on how you and your brother die. "

The elites of Dachu are now going to the top to repair the seal.

Duan Mingyue's face was pale.

Su Wanyi asked people to bring the third prince and Shangguan Muhan to Duan Mingyue, and gave her the Soul-Living Mirror.

"Daibao, look at her, if she plays tricks, blow her head off."

Su Wanyi told Dai Baolai to keep an eye on Duan Mingyue.

Probably the only one present was Dai Bao who was innocent and had no dark side in his heart, and would not be exploited and controlled.

No one else can guarantee it.

Duan Mingyue had no choice, she glanced at her younger brother Duan Xingchen.

Duan Xingchen has long since lost the high-spirited look he had when he first came in, his eyes are empty now, and he doesn't have much expression on his whole body.

He appears indifferent to everything around him.

Broken from his hand, seen from him so much far beyond his existence.

His pride was shattered, followed by the collapse of his life.

Duan Mingyue still cared about Duan Xingchen's life and death.

Of course, she herself didn't want to die yet, she knew clearly that only by being alive could there be hope.

So she compromised and used the soul-leaving mirror to release the control over the third prince and Shangguan Muhan.

The third prince's complexion was already pale, and his body was already weak. Being controlled by the Soul-Living Mirror for such a long time, his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

Shangguan Muhan's situation was a little better than his, and he was stunned for a while after recovering.

After returning to his senses, he went to look for the third prince first, and saw that he was not standing still, so he quickly went to support him.

"Your Highness! Are you alright?" Shangguan Muhan asked nervously, his health was not good, and leaving the soul mirror for too long would kill him!

"It's okay..." The third prince replied weakly.

Shangguan Muhan gritted his teeth, and looked at Duan Mingyue with hatred: "You are really too much! Not only did you attack Dai Bao, but you even us! Just because of your jealousy!"

Duan Mingyue raised her face, not admitting defeat, not admitting mistakes.

"I didn't want your life from the very beginning, haven't I already released the control over you?" Duan Mingyue didn't think she had done anything wrong.

"Unreasonable!" Shangguan Muhan couldn't reason with Duan Mingyue.

This woman is really infuriating!

Shangguan Muhan drew his sword and went up, but was stopped by the third prince.

"Mu Han, forget it, the business is important." The third prince said.

"But she..."

"Leave it to Su Zongzhu, she will handle it." The third prince said.

Shangguan Muhan stared at the third prince for a long time before compromising.

"Your Highness, you are kind to someone like Duan Mingyue, but she is not kind to you."

Although Shangguan Muhan chose to obey the third prince's words, his anger did not subside and he couldn't help complaining.

The third prince smiled weakly, "Don't get me wrong, Mu Han, it's not that I don't want you to take revenge on her, I just think Su Zongzhu will handle it well."

(End of this chapter)

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