Chapter 511 Dai Bao lent you his mother, but only for one night!
Han Yuanfeng still didn't like Ye Yuxian.

It's not that it's not pleasing to the eye at all, but as long as this person doesn't have undue thoughts for his niece, it's quite pleasing to the eye.

But as long as he sees his eyes drifting towards his niece, it's not pleasing to the eye.

Su Wanyi felt a little guilty for no reason.

It seems that she kissed Ye Yuxian today.

Strictly speaking, she bullied Ye Yuxian and coveted Ye Yuxian's beauty.

Su Wanyi rubbed her nose and said, "Uncle, you and grandpa are both tired today, let's go to rest early, we have to continue our journey tomorrow morning, and we need to be vigilant before leaving the border of Great Chu."

Han Qingcang nodded, and said to Han Yuanfeng, "Let's go, let's go to rest."

"Young Master Ye will go back together too?" Han Yuanfeng thought about walking by himself, but he had to watch Ye Yuxian leave too.

Before Ye Yuxian could reply, Han Qingcang pulled Han Yuanfeng away, "I'm so annoying, just leave as soon as I tell you, why are there so many nonsense!"

"Father! That...that man..." Han Yuanfeng was dragged away, his eyes still looking at Su Wanyi reluctantly...

"Being an uncle is a bit self-conscious about being an uncle." Han Qingcang said, "When you are too old, you still care about young people's affairs, and you don't understand love and love, so you might as well go back to sleep. Go to bed early and get up early."

Han Yuanfeng's protest was invalid, so he could only be dragged away by his father...

Order tofu in brine, one thing for one thing!
Han Yuanfeng was ruled to death by his father!
After the father and son of the Han family left, Dai Bao walked up to Ye Yuxian in small steps, raised his head and said to Ye Yuxian, "Uncle Ye Zi, Dai Bao has a gift for you!"

The little guy actually prepared a gift?

Ye Yuxian was a little curious about what gift Daibao would give him.

Su Wanyi also looked at Daibao curiously, when did the little fool prepare a thank you gift?

Why doesn't she know?

Where did he get the money for the gift?

Learned to hide private money?

No, when you bathe him at night, you have to take off your clothes and search him thoroughly!
Dai Bao ran back to Su Wanyi, took Su Wanyi's hand, and brought it to Ye Yuxian.

Su Wanyi and Ye Yuxian both looked at him puzzled...

Dai Bao stuffed Su Wanyi's hand into Ye Yuxian's.

"Daibao lent you mother, but only for one night!" Daibao said to Ye Yuxian seriously.

He won't borrow any more!
Su Wanyi's eyes widened, son, what do you mean?
The gift you said to be given to Uncle Ye Zi should not be your mother and me, right? !
What is your logic?

Is there anyone like you who sells your own mother?
"Daibao, don't you want my mother to hug me? Didn't you say that sleeping with mother is the most comfortable?" Su Wanyi asked Daibao.

When she was still a baby, she would cry when she went to bed at night!

Later, when he was a little older, he was able to sleep with his godfather, but he was still more attached to her.

It was the first time to sleep with his godfather, and he came back to find her with his pillow in his arms for half the night.

Now she is going to be thrown away!

Hey, Su Wanyi suddenly felt a sense of sadness that when her son grew up, her mother was about to be rejected.

Although I know this is something that will happen sooner or later.

But it feels like this day has come a bit early!

"Daibao is not willing to give up, but Daibao must keep his word!" Daibao pouted.

"What you say is what you say? When did you say it?"

"It's time for Uncle Ye Zi to fight monsters! Dai Bao said, if Uncle Ye Zi comes back safely, Dai Bao will lend mother to him for one night."

 This is my own son!

(End of this chapter)

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