Chapter 525 Brother Dumb is too powerful!

But obviously, Aping, Azhou, and Han Yuanfeng were enough without him taking action.

They are all masters of the ninth rank, who can crush most of the opponents.

Only the master at the legendary level who is the leader is a little more difficult to deal with.

Ye Yuxian said that this one is for Daibao to practice.

"Daibao, I'll leave that guy to you." Su Wanyi said to Daibao.

Su Wanyi agreed with Ye Yuxian's decision.

Although there is a huge gap between the ninth level and the legendary realm, with the Phoenix blood protecting Dai Bao's life, he can be confidently and boldly let him practice.

Dai Bao frowned and didn't move for a long time.

"Mother..." Daibao looked up at Su Wanyi with a distressed expression.

"what happened?"

"Ugly..." Daibao still detested the Yinlong Sword.

"Daibao, the beautiful lady is still waiting for you to protect her. Although the knife is ugly, it can protect the beautiful lady, right?" Su Wanyi analyzed it for Daibao.

Dai Bao scratched his head and compromised.

"Okay then," said Dumbbod.

Lu Heng's eyes widened when he saw Dai Bao go up to single out a master in the legendary realm.

Lu Heng hurriedly asked Han Qingcang next to him: "Mr. Han, this too dangerous?"

Han Qingcang said: "My great-grandson is very good at martial arts, don't worry."

Lu Heng doesn't believe it. If a three-year-old kid is good at kung fu, how good can it be?
"Grandpa, let's go help." Princess Xinrui said.

Although, although their strength is very weak.

But I can't let my little brother go alone.

If you want to die, everyone will die together.

Lu Heng also felt that he could no longer hide.

Just when the grandparents of the Lu family were thinking about going to help, Dai Bao dispelled their idea with his strength

"Ninth...ninth level?"

How can this be?

That's only three years old!
"Grandpa, am I delusional? Why do I see that brother Daibao is ninth rank?" Princess Xinrui asked.

"No, you're not mistaken, what grandpa saw was also the ninth rank. He is indeed the ninth rank!" Lu Heng was extremely shocked.

Who would have thought that such a young child would have such a powerful cultivation?Simply unimaginable!
"Brother Daibao is only three and a half years old..." Princess Xinrui thought that she was only at the second level when she was seven years old.

Grandpa always praised her, saying she was talented.

So ashamed.

Then Lu Heng and Princess Xinrui discovered that there were two very powerful artifacts on Dai Bao's body.

One defense and one attack greatly improved the combat effectiveness of Daibao.

Even single-handedly challenging a master in the legendary realm did not quickly fall to the disadvantage.

It's really amazing!

They really learned a lot today!
After a cup of tea, Daibao still hadn't defeated his opponent.

Feeling that it was almost done, Ye Yuxian tapped his foot and flew to Daibao.

"Today's exercise ends here."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yuxian's ghostly figure flew towards that person.

The frightening combat power around him even made the Daqin missions a hundred meters away feel terrified.

Three tricks.

The master at the beginning of the legendary realm fell to the ground.

Ye Yuxian gave him a sigh of relief.

Lu Heng and Princess Xinrui were too surprised to speak.

Han Qingcang was also taken aback.

He didn't enter the domain of the black bat, so he had never seen Ye Yuxian make a move.

Han Yuanfeng met him once, when he rescued him on the outskirts of Dachu capital.

But that opponent did not reach the legendary level, and could not reflect Ye Yuxian's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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