Chapter 530 Recruit Su Wanyi
Han Qingcang couldn't convince Han Yuanfeng several times, but this time he brought Su Wanyi out, Han Yuanfeng was really scared.

Of course he didn't want his niece to be sad.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I'll just say it this time, I promise I won't mention it again in the future, and I will get along well with him." Han Yuanfeng compromised.

For the sake of his niece, he endured it!
Han Qingcang said to Su Cheng again: "I still have something to discuss with you."

"Father-in-law, please tell me, my son-in-law will dare to obey."

"I want to find a husband for Wanyi. Although Wanyi's self-cultivation is advanced, she doesn't worry about getting married, and I'm not afraid of marrying late, but after all, I can't worry about her. I hope that sooner there will be a man who can take care of her and cherish her."

Han Qingcang knows that his granddaughter is capable.

But the elders always feel sorry for the younger generation.

It was hard work for the granddaughter to take Daibao alone, and his heart ached.

I hope she will start a family soon and have a reliable man who can take care of their mother and son.

"What father-in-law said is very true." This Su Cheng agreed, and he didn't want his daughter to work too hard.

Han Qingcang said: "Our family does not ask her to find a high-ranking family. I am reluctant to go in and suffer. I am the lintel of Dingguo's mansion, and her own wealth is not worth going to other people's family."

"But our family doesn't like that poor boy, because we are afraid that we will raise another white-eyed wolf."

With the lessons learned from Qin Ziyuan, Han Qingcang will never let his granddaughter be with that kind of impoverished pheasant man again.

"Yes, what my father-in-law said is true." Su Cheng still agreed, "I don't know if my father-in-law has a suitable candidate in his mind."

Han Qingcang said: "I want to choose one of my few proud subordinates. These subordinates have followed me and Yuanfeng through life and death for many years. Their character is absolutely guaranteed. Although their cultivation base is not as high as Wanyi's, but It is definitely a malleable talent."

Too good, too outstanding is not safe.

Too weak, I'm afraid it's a soft rice.

Unfamiliar, afraid of bad character.

After much deliberation, Han Qingcang felt that it was most appropriate to choose those of the right age from the army.

"Father, I agree." Han Yuanfeng has no objection this time, "If it is someone from our military camp, we will watch over him, and he will definitely not be able to bully Wanyi. And he can be married directly, I guarantee that they will not dare There are objections!"

There is no danger, the character is guaranteed, and the background is neither bad nor bad.

The Han family's father and son set Su Wanyi's criteria for choosing a future husband just right.

Su Cheng also agreed, "I have no objection, I just don't know if Wanyi will like it."

It's useless for them to think well, the most important thing is that the daughter likes it.

"I'll let these subordinates look at Wan Yi, and let Wan Yi pick one out of them." Han Qingcang said.

"Okay, I'll stay at home tomorrow, and I'll trouble my father-in-law and Yuan Feng to bring me here." Su Cheng readily agreed.

Knowing that his daughter has had a hard time these years, Su Cheng is eager to do something for her.

He thought the proposal of his father-in-law and brother-in-law was very good.

"I'll bring everyone over tomorrow myself." Han Yuanfeng said enthusiastically.

As soon as he thought of the two big bad wolves staring at his niece, Han Yuanfeng wished he could get things done right away and stop thinking about those two big bad wolves.

"Then it's settled." Han Qingcang said.

After discussing with each other, the three big men finalized the idea: recruit Su Wanyi to marry him.

(End of this chapter)

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