Chapter 553 Being ridiculed by everyone

Although he can cure illnesses, he won't treat such an unattractive and annoying aunt!
She is blocking him and his mother from doing business!

Princess Ning laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, you continue to pretend, anyway, you will enter the sword formation tomorrow, everyone will see the truth, let's see how you still pretend!"

Princess Ning sneered all over her face.

The head of the Zhen family also laughed when he heard the words: "Your Highness, don't talk bluntly. It's hard for people to put on a show, and the suzerain's airs haven't had a chance to be displayed yet. You just dismantle the stage for others. They will ask for it later." Crying."

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

King Ning was also amused by the success.

It can be seen that not only the princess thinks that Su Wan is pretending, everyone thinks so.

So many senior masters present didn't understand anything, could it be that she, Su Wanyi, could see something?

Is there anything else worth mentioning besides the fact that she was lucky enough to pick up the Godly Bow of the Setting Sun and gained a whole body of cultivation?

Her status as a coquettish widow is still acceptable for people to talk about after dinner.

Did she think she could be so lucky every time?
Everyone despised Su Wanyi for a while. The Sword Breaking Formation is a struggle for strength and life. It's not a draft. It really has nothing to do with her.

Facing everyone's scorn, Su Wanyi didn't defend herself.

Yu Wenlang looked at Su Wanyi with great interest for a while.

When the others were not smiling, he smiled brightly, and when the others were making fun of Su Wanyi, he stopped smiling.

Shen Xuan was a little embarrassed, although he didn't think that Su Wanyi could be of any help, but after all, he was the suzerain of the first sect and he was also invited.

Although his original intention was to invite Nangong Lingqi, but because the first suzerain was written on the invitation letter, so when Su Wanyi, the nominal suzerain, came, he was embarrassed to say that he made a mistake.

Shen Yu smoothed things over and said: "Seniors, it's getting late, everyone go back early to recharge your spirits, tomorrow may be a fierce battle."

Lu Heng and Princess Xinrui also came to Jianjian Villa, but they didn't come to break the sword formation, so they didn't go to the hall where the masters gathered just now.

Nangong Lingqi wanted to avoid embarrassment, after all, it was impossible for the first sect to have two suzerains.

After the big guys dispersed and went back to their guest rooms, Nangong Lingqi and Lu Heng both came to look for Su Wanyi.

Nangong Lingqi was eager to ask about the situation of Su Wanyi's sword formation.

"Sovereign, how is it? How about the sword array? I just met other patriarchs and sect masters, and I saw that their expressions were not very good. This sword array seems to be very difficult to break?"

Su Wanyi glanced at Nangong Lingqi, and gave him a look that made him understand.

Nangong Lingqi also felt that this question was a bit redundant, "Yes, if it is easy to break, Zhujian Villa will not exchange the whereabouts of the divine sword."

Nangong Lingqi continued to say to Su Wanyi: "What preparations do I need my subordinates to do?"

It can be seen that Nangong Lingqi attaches great importance to this action.

"No need." Su Wanyi didn't seem as nervous as the other patriarchs.

"Is it really not necessary?" Nangong Lingqi was still a little worried, "For example, prepare some armor and other things. I think some owners have already asked the people of Zhujian Villa for such things in private."

Some people put on a confident look on the surface, but secretly they are still very afraid of death.

 Sorry babies, I can only update these three chapters tonight, and the remaining chapters will be updated tomorrow afternoon.

  Recently, due to the Internet cleanup activities, the author needs to self-check and modify the content of all works, which is a heavy task, resulting in less time for writing serial articles.

  I urgently modified some things today, which took up a lot of my time, so I will update these three chapters first tonight.

  But I will try to update at least six chapters every day, please rest assured babies.

(End of this chapter)

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