Chapter 555

At the same time, King Ning is also discussing tomorrow's affairs.

"Father, that Su Wanyi is so annoying, why don't you just get rid of her? Obviously you can get rid of her casually."

The princess pouted and said.

The expression on his face was a bit sullen, mainly because he felt very unhappy seeing Su Wanyi being so defiant today.

Although everyone was making fun of Su Wanyi, the princess didn't see Su Wanyi himself being sad, and always felt puzzled.

King Ning said: "She herself is really nothing, and a magical weapon of heaven and earth like the Sunset Bow can't play much of an effect in her hands. It's easy to kill her, but her identity is a bit difficult to deal with."

The princess asked puzzledly: "What's wrong with her identity? Isn't she the suzerain of the first sect? She is dead, and there are a lot of people who want to be in this position. I don't believe that the first sect really worships her and respects her. Otherwise, with the Sunset Bow, who would recognize her as suzerain?"

King Ning said: "You are right, but what the father said was not about her status as the first suzerain. What the father was concerned about was her status in Daqi. Daqi and our Daqin have always had good friends. Su Wanyi is Daqin. Duke Qi Ding’s granddaughter, Lord Ning’s goddaughter, if her father kills her, if it becomes a conflict between Da Qi and Da Chu, the loss outweighs the gain.”

After hearing this, the princess gritted her teeth and said, "It's lucky for her!"

She also knew that it would be really bad if it caused conflicts between the two countries.

King Ning looked at the princess and smiled fondly, "Okay, if you enter the sword formation tomorrow, anything can happen inside. Su Wanyi died in the sword formation, and Daqi has nothing to say."

The princess smiled knowingly, "I knew father, you love me the most!"

"Father is just your precious daughter. If you don't love me, who do you love?" Ning Wang smiled, "But you have to promise Father, stay outside and wait tomorrow, and you are not allowed to enter the sword formation. Father doesn't want to be distracted. Protect your safety, understand?"

Speaking of the latter, King Ning's expression became serious.

"Okay, ok, my son knows, I won't let father, king, worry about your future! Don't worry!"

The princess smiled brightly, and raised one hand, as a guarantee to King Ning.

King Ning also smiled, his eyes fondling.

The look in the eyes of the princess is a kind of tenderness that he doesn't show when he treats other people normally.

Suddenly, the figure of a woman he had forgotten for a long time appeared in front of his eyes.

His eyes froze, and his eyes retreated tenderly.

Then he raised his eyes and saw his daughter, afraid of being noticed by her, he said: "Go back to your own room first, there are still some things to deal with as a father."

The princess didn't notice the strangeness of King Ning.

"Father, please rest early!"

Then he left King Ning's room.

After the princess left, King Ning's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Han Muming, back then you rejected me and only wanted to be with Su Cheng.

How can this king be inferior to Su Cheng?
Facts have proved that Su Cheng is useless, not only can't even save your life, but he will marry a new lover not long after your death.

After so many years of struggling in the Great Qi Dynasty Hall, he is still an unknown person.

He actually lost to such a useless man?

Han Muming, you are really blind!

Now you and Su Cheng's daughter appear in front of me, tomorrow I will enter the sword formation, and I will see her die with my own eyes.

If necessary, I will personally send her down.

When you meet her, will you regret that you chose a useless man who can't even save your daughter's life!
(End of this chapter)

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