Chapter 557: Everyone gathers and enters the battle

Early the next morning, everyone gathered in front of the sword formation.

Su Wanyi and Daibao arrived late.

Seeing the two of them, everyone looked ugly.

Forget about the food, but it's still a hindrance.

Su Wanyi wasn't actually late, she just came on time.

Su Wanyi had already finished watching what she wanted to watch before leaving yesterday.

There is no need to get up early today and stand outside the sword formation in a daze, just come here when you know it.

When her little idiot is growing up, why doesn't she, a mother, let the little idiot sleep and get up again?
Facing the disgusted eyes of everyone, Su Wanyi remained calm.

Princess Ning said in her heart, "Okay, you bastard will be able to chatter for a while!"When you enter the sword array, some of it is your pain!
Shen Xuan looked at it and made sure that everyone was here, so he said: "Since everyone is here, let's prepare to enter the battle. There is an entrance here, which I have explored in Zhujian Villa for decades. from."

There are positions in this sword formation that can avoid attacks, but because the sword formation is too large, Zhujian Villa has only studied a short distance for so many years.

To show sincerity, Shen Yu took the lead in the front.

Su Wanyi didn't intend to be timid, and seeing that no one was following in front of her, she took Dai Bao's little hand and followed.

Seeing Su Wanyi following up, Shen Xuan was surprised.

I thought she didn't dare.

Then he remembered what Lu Heng told him last night, maybe they were really confused by the appearance, and Su Wanyi was not what they thought.

But when she saw the cute baby next to Su Wanyi, Shen Xuan was stunned.

"Sect Master Su intends to bring the young master in together?"

"Yes." Su Wanyi replied.

"Daibao is going too!" Daibao also replied.

Shen Xuan was surprised, and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Not only Shen Yun was surprised, but everyone else was also surprised.

Entering the sword formation is a matter of narrow escape, what is it to bring a cute baby in?
Or does she have enough confidence and certainty that she can guarantee the safety of her son in such a terrifying sword formation?
That's too self-defeating, right?
Seeing that His Royal Highness King Ning didn't plan to bring the princess in with him, he left the princess waiting outside.

Where did she get her confidence?Have you eaten the bear heart and leopard gall?
"I said Su Zongzhu, do you think this is just a joke? You don't care about your own strength, don't you even care about your son's life? Are you too irresponsible as a mother?"

"That's right, I really don't know how this mother is!"


Everyone accused Su Wanyi of being irresponsible as a mother.

Nangong Lingqi was present today, seeing Su Wanyi being besieged, he didn't know how to defend her.

It's really overreaching. He tried to persuade her last night, but she just didn't listen.

Relying on the fact that she has the Sunset Bow and the Yinlong Sword, she has such self-confidence, what can I say about her?
The Sunset Bow and the Hidden Dragon Sword are powerful, but their master's cultivation cannot keep up, and the magic weapon cannot exert enough power.

When facing the dazzling countless flying swords in the sword formation, if she didn't react enough, even the divine soldiers couldn't protect her!
Not to mention her three-year-old son.

Yu Wenlang stepped forward and said with a smile: "Everyone calm down, who cares about the children of this family, and whether the mother is qualified or not, we outsiders should not judge casually, right? I don't think Su Zongzhu is either. Like someone who doesn't care about children."

(End of this chapter)

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