Chapter 559 They showed their magical powers, and the mother and son were watching a play
Nangong Lingqi raised his forehead, a little unwilling to admit that this woman was the suzerain of his family.

"You two stop fighting, okay?!"

Unbearable, Zhen Yin roared angrily.

I really can't stand Su Wanyi and her son anymore.

When is this, and you still care about food?

My life is gone, what to eat?

"Leave them alone, just pretend they don't exist."

The person next to him persuaded.

I really can't stand it anymore.

It's useless to say it, it's useless to be angry, let's save some energy and focus more on the sword formation in front of us!

King Ning didn't speak at all, and took action directly.

He took two steps forward.

Suddenly the surrounding ground began to shake, and several nearby sharp swords flew out of the ground in an instant, stabbing at King Ning.

King Ning jumped up, pointing his toes on the passing sword.

With the help of a bounce, turn the body and return to the original position.

When his feet fell back to the distance, the shaking of the ground stopped.

The sharp sword flying in the air returned to the ground.

The scene just now made everyone tremble with fear. The loss is His Royal Highness Ning Wang. Anyone else may not be able to retreat completely!
Everyone thought that the turmoil was over like this, and they were about to breathe a sigh of relief.

The sword array shook again.

The sharp swords behind everyone flew up again.

A pair of sharp swords pointed neatly at the direction of the wind where everyone was.

The sharp sword is approaching, and there is no way to retreat.

Seeing this, everyone showed their special abilities, and they all took out their housekeeping skills to deal with it.

These people deserved to be the top leaders of various sects and sects, and their cultivation bases are not superficial!

Among them, those with the lowest cultivation level belonged to the masters of Zhujian Villa, Shen Yu and Xiaodaibao, who had the lowest cultivation level, rank nine.

Followed by Su Wanyi, the first level of legend.

The rest are from the middle level to the legendary level...

This lineup is really luxurious!
Su Wanyi was not in a hurry to make a move, she just took advantage of this time to observe some top masters of these famous sects.

With a high cultivation base, there are many treasures around her.

Facing the swords in the sword formation, they were calm and easy, and they were not at a disadvantage.

After a while of tinkling, a pile of broken sword marks were left on the ground.


A look of surprise appeared on Shen Yu's face.

It seems that this decision is completely correct. It is really better to find so many experts to help than to force their way in from the sword casting villa!
Only in their own words, I really don't know how many years it will take to break this sword array.

Shen Xuan was very happy: "Seniors are really powerful, with your help, I believe we will be able to break this sword formation soon!"

Everyone who came today is a top player, and they all showed their extraordinary side just now.

Apart from……

Su Wanyi and Daibao, one big and one young, were watching a play.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about them.

It would be nice not to add chaos.

At this time, the ground shook violently again.

The swords still stuck on the ground shook one after another.

There was a sound of metal chattering.

Trembling makes people flustered.

What's next?
Could it be that this sword array couldn't stop if it took a wrong step?
They haven't moved on yet!
The shaking of the ground became more and more violent.

All the sharp swords around me flew up!

The sharp sword flew into the air, with the point of the sword pointing down vertically, pointing at the top of everyone's head.

Neat, dense, crumbling.

It feels like a rain of swords will come down at any time!
At a critical juncture, no one cared about anyone else, and everyone fled in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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