Chapter 566 In Trouble
It was so quiet that everyone panicked.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Is it really calm or the calm before the storm?

Bai Wangchen also frowned, "What's the matter, why did nothing happen after going up to Sword Mountain?"

Shen Xuan said: "Everyone be careful, that woman's sword array can't be that simple, there must be another trick."

Everyone tensed up.

However, after walking for a long time, nothing dangerous happened.

But at the same time, everyone noticed another thing.

Bai Wangchen asked everyone: "Have you noticed that the distance between us and the top of the mountain doesn't seem to be getting any closer?"

They walked for a stick of incense, but at a glance, the top of the mountain was still far away.

This sword mountain is not high!

"Impossible, we've been looking at a high place, it's impossible to get lost!" Zhen Yin retorted.

They're climbing a hill, and there's no reason they could get lost.

King Ning frowned.

What Zhen Yin said was correct.

What Bai Wangchen said was also true.

This is terrifying!

Obviously walking in one direction, but there is no way to get close to the target!

"Don't worry, let's take a look around." Shen Xuan said.

"That's right, maybe it's just that the mountain doesn't look high, but it's actually a little far away. We were not walking fast because we were worried about the sword array."

Everyone suppressed the doubts in their hearts and continued to move forward.

It took another incense stick of time.

Everyone finally couldn't convince themselves with the reason just now.

They walked for a long time, but they still didn't get any closer to the top of the mountain.

"This sword formation...what the hell is going on? Isn't it just a sword formation?" Shen Yu, the owner of Zhujian Villa, was stunned.

He always thought that the entire sword formation was a sword formation.

Around the foot of Jianshan Mountain is a sword array, and the one on Jianshan Mountain, although it looks the same as the one around the foot of the mountain, is completely a maze!
They miscalculated!
Prepared for a fierce battle to the end, but was trapped in the maze.

Now how to do?
Everyone was not prepared to deal with this situation.

Zhen Yin's attitude was very disdainful: "What are you afraid of? We have already broken through such a domineering sword formation in front of us. Now it is just a mere maze, and it can't kill us. What can we do?"

It's not a domineering sword array, he thinks it has a better chance of winning.

Others are not as optimistic as he is.

Shen Xuan solemnly said to everyone: "Don't disperse, everyone. If there is still danger hidden in the maze, once we separate, we may never be able to get together again."

Everyone agrees on this point.

Bai Wangchen suggested: "Since we can't go up the mountain, let's go down the mountain? It would be good if we can go back to the starting point."

"Elder Bai's idea can be tried." Shen Xuan said.

So everyone turned around and started walking down the mountain.

After walking for half an hour, the situation has not changed.

So go to the left instead.

After another half an hour, everyone found that the result was the same.

No matter which direction they went, their distance from the top and bottom of the mountain did not change at all!

They are really trapped in the maze!

Everyone's faces couldn't help showing tiredness.

Everyone has been fighting with all their strength in the sword formation for a long time, and now they have been walking back and forth for so long.

Tired, hungry.

At this time, everyone needs a backbone. Shen Yu is not prestige enough to preside over the overall situation, and King Ning is the most suitable candidate.

"Everyone rest where they are," King Ning said.

(End of this chapter)

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