Chapter 673
Ye Yuxian hurriedly explained to Su Wanyi.

Because Zuo Runzhi and Bai Yunshan thought the two light bulbs were an eyesore and prevented him from explaining his mistake, Ye Yuxian threw them out of the window.

Not long after, people from the next room broke in, and Sikong Yan and Shangguan Muhan saw the scene where Ye Yuxian lay flat and was beaten by Su Wanyi.

Because of the posture and angle, it is easy to cause misunderstanding.

Shangguan Muhan thought that he had ruined other people's good deeds, so he hurriedly dragged Sikong Yan away.

In the room, after Su Wanyi punched Ye Yuxian a few times, she rolled over and sat on the ground next to her.

"Little fairy, have you calmed down?" Ye Yuxian asked softly, propping up her upper body.


Su Wanyi snorted.

She heard movement outside the door, including the voices of Yu Chixuan and Princess Ning.

Hearing their voices, Su Wanyi didn't understand anything.

The culprit must be those two women.

As for Ye Yuxian, it should be part of their two plans.

However, these fists still had to be beaten, whoever told Ye Yuxian to beat Zuo Runzhi without any explanation as soon as he came up!
With that fist, it felt like Zuo Runzhi's jawbone was broken by him!

The fists she beat him were far worse than the fists he beat Zuo Runzhi!

Ye Yuxian reached out and wrapped Su Wanyi's small fist in his palm, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts you, damn it! My old lady's fist is stiff!"

"Well, a very hard fist, it hurt my chest." Ye Yuxian hurriedly cooperated with Su Wanyi's statement.

It really doesn't hurt much.

Little punches that don't hurt.

"It deserves the pain! I want you to hit someone so impulsively!"

Could it be that the woman he thought was lying on the same bed with Zuo Runzhi was really her?
Stupid or not!

"Ahem." Ye Yuxian was indeed a little impulsive and a little silly thinking about it now, but there was no way, when he saw it on the spot, his fist acted before his brain.

He didn't even care about how much profound energy he used, so he directly punched it with his pure fist.

It was also fortunate that he punched directly on the head at that time, if he had used profound strength, he would not be able to pay another Zuo Runzhi to Bai Yunshan.

Now he is not just as simple as being punched by the little goblin.

Ye Yuxian took Su Wanyi's hand and said: "Okay, okay, let's not be angry anymore, I'll go back and ask Zuo to punch me a few more times, so don't beat him up for him, I'm so hard, I'll beat you It's not worth it if your fist hurts."

Su Wan gave Ye Yuxian a blank look.

The expression on his face was no longer angry.

The fist wrapped by his fingers was so hot, it felt... my heart was also infected by this temperature.

This bastard is obviously so hateful, why does she feel that a soft place in her heart has been touched.

Seeing that Su Wanyi's expression softened, Ye Yuxian pulled Su Wanyi up from the ground.

"What smells so good on you?" Su Wanyi asked suddenly.

Ye Yuxian laughed upon hearing this, and reached out to pinch Su Wanyi's nose, "Your nose is really good at eating, it's roasted cold noodles."

"Ah? I didn't break it, did I?" Su Wanyi asked nervously.

Just now she punched him with so many fists on the chest, did she break the cold noodles?

Ye Yuxian didn't know whether to cry or laugh when she heard this.

You don't worry about beating him up, but you're afraid of beating up the cold noodles, right?
Ye Yuxian said: "Don't worry, I was the one you beat up just now, I put the cold noodles here."

(End of this chapter)

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