Chapter 699 Subduing Zilong (2)

Wait, what is that sticking out of Zilong's back?
Everyone found that there was a sword stuck on Zilong's back. A large sword was inserted into Zilong's body, only a hilt and a short blade were exposed.

See Zilong's entire body from the lake receding to this moment.

Zilong lay at the bottom of the lake, motionless.

It's not that Zilong doesn't want to move, it's because he can't move.

It has been in this state for thousands of years.

The sword inserted into the back was sealed.

Zilong gave another tragic dragon chant.

"Damn it, my aunt's embarrassing appearance has been seen, and the face is lost, so I won't let the dragon live!!~~"

"Let my aunt know which bastard woke up my aunt, and drain the water to let everyone watch my aunt's good show. My aunt must have peeled off the skin of that bastard to make a leather jacket for my aunt!"

Su Wanyi could hear it from the dragon's complaints.

This guy was woken up not long ago.

And letting go of the lake was never what she wanted.

She didn't want to appear in front of the world in such embarrassment at all.

Su Wanyi also noticed that there was a huge hole in front of Zilong.

The hole was pitch black and seemed bottomless.

Thinking about it, the lake water just flowed away from this hole.

And there are still some bones beside Zilong's huge body.

It can be seen from the skull that it is a human corpse.

It should be the corpse of a virgin who was used for sacrifice a few years ago.

Everyone got up gradually, looking at Zilong with complicated eyes.

Zilong is indeed powerful, there is no doubt about it.

But it's clearly constrained by something now.

In this case, it doesn't seem to be able to affect people.

"Your Majesty! Zilong is restricted now, but it doesn't mean that it will always be restricted like this. It has awakened. If we don't find a way to deal with it quickly, it will definitely become a scourge."

Ning Wang expressed his position to the emperor.

"My minister agrees."

"I also ask Master Guoshi to think of a way to make Zilong fall into a deep sleep again."

Everyone expressed their opinions.

At this time, the imperial concubine also spoke: "The concubine has a better proposal."

Everyone hurriedly looked at the imperial concubine. Does the imperial concubine have any good suggestions at this time?
The emperor also turned his head to look at the noble concubine on his left.

"My concubine thinks that there is no doubt that Zilong is mysterious and powerful, but it doesn't necessarily cause harm to the world like the legend says. If it can be used for my own use, why should I worry about not being strong in the future?"

"Your concubine's words are too light." The emperor frowned and said, "Whether Zilong is a god dragon or an evil dragon, they are all real dragons. How easy is it to surrender?"

Who wouldn't want to be able to surrender?
The imperial concubine said: "My majesty, my concubine's father has recently acquired some skills in this area. If the emperor agrees, my concubine will ask my father to try it. Maybe it will work."

Zhen Mao also hurriedly echoed: "That's right, brother, he has been retreating recently, just to concentrate on studying this aspect."

When everyone heard the words of the imperial concubine and the second master of the Zhen family, they all showed surprise expressions.

The imperial concubine spoke with certainty and seemed to be very confident.

Could it be that the Zhen family has really mastered this skill?

Is there really a way to subdue Zilong and obey them?

If it is really possible, then the Zhen family will really go against the sky!

This will definitely be a feat unprecedented in history!
The queen objected: "My concubine wants Master Zhen to try this, and I have no objection, but if it fails and causes some bad consequences, can the Zhen family bear the responsibility?"

(End of this chapter)

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