Chapter 702 Subduing Zilong (5)

Zilong's eyes narrowed, not because he was afraid, but because he was sleepy.

She was about to yawn.

The dragon's mouth couldn't help opening.

However, in the eyes of Zhen Yin and others, this is the fear shown by Zilong.

It seems that the Patriarch of the Zhen family is really going to succeed!

When the purple magic circle moved to the top of Zilong's head.

Zhen Yin could no longer suppress his excitement.

However, the smile on his face froze in the next second.

The purple magic circle shattered in an instant.

Zhen Yin suffered a backlash, and spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

The body fell from the string and fell into the mud at the bottom of the lake.


Seeing this, the noble concubine was terrified, and instinctively stood up, wanting to go to the center of the lake.

She just took a step out.

Zilong suddenly opened his mouth wide, and spewed out a mouthful of dragon's breath.

The strong airflow directly blows up the people standing in this direction.

Zilong couldn't move his body, but he could still open his mouth and breathe in and out.

That's it, for these ordinary people, it is enough.

Zhen Yin, who fell into the mud at the bottom of the lake, was blown all the way to the shore by the dragon's breath, and his body collided with various gravel obstacles.

It made him suffer from serious internal injuries even worse.

Except for Zhen's family, what other people care about is not Zhen Yin's life and death, but Zilong's anger.

Zilong is angry!
The situation seems to be more dangerous than before!
The hope is as great as the disappointment.

One moment the emperor had pinned his hopes on Zhen Yin, but the next moment he angrily scolded the imperial concubine.

"Didn't you swear to me that your father could do it? Not only did you not succeed, but you also annoyed Zilong!"

The concubine did not expect things to turn out like this.

Her legs were a little weak, and the blood on her face had dissipated.

If it weren't for the heavy makeup, the pale-faced imperial concubine could be seen at this moment.

The queen reminded the concubine: "I hope that the concubine will keep her word."

Following the Queen, he waved his hand again, signaling the guards who restrained Su Wanyi's movements to step back.

Su Wanyi's shackles were loosened, and the noble concubine became even more anxious after seeing it.

"Even if the concubine's father didn't succeed, it doesn't mean that Su Wanyi is innocent!"

The imperial concubine tried to continue to divert everyone's attention.

After being untied, Su Wanyi said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, just now the Patriarch of the Zhen family failed and angered Zilong. Now I beg, let me try."

"Do you want to try too?" The emperor's expression was no longer as simple as surprise.

He is now a head and two big.

Su Wanyi said: "Just now, I have seen the consequences of the failure of the Patriarch of the Zhen family. I was not joking when I said that I wanted to try."

The end of failure is almost death. The Zhen family carried away Zhen Yin who was blown to the shore just now. Whether he can survive tonight is a question.

As long as Su Wanyi is not stupid, she will not take the initiative to ask for orders to try again when she has no confidence.

"Your Majesty! No!" The noble concubine hurriedly stopped her. She didn't know why Su Wanyi said these words, but her instinct told her that she must not let Su Wanyi be happy.

"If she angers Zilong again, we will all suffer together!"

Fu Miaoer also stood up, "That's right, this woman has ulterior motives. Her son just took away Princess Xinrui and ruined the sacrificial ceremony. She must have no good intentions! Your Majesty, don't be fooled by her!"

"I think so too." King Ning agreed with his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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