Chapter 710 He is the Ghost Realm, that big devil!
"Yes! To avenge King Ning!"

"Catch the murderer!"


The crowd joined in.

I have never seen them care so much about His Royal Highness Ning Wang.

King Ning's injury was both Zhen Mao's excuse and theirs.

This excuse can temporarily unite them and defeat Yuchi's family and Su Wanyi.

After getting rid of the powerful competitor of the Yuchi family, their chances of winning will increase.

Everyone has an abacus in their hearts.

Qin Ziyuan saw the shadow of himself in these people.

It is ridiculous to deceive oneself and others with seemingly aboveboard reasons.

It's better to openly say that you want to grab it.

Patriarch Yuchi's face showed embarrassment, the situation in front of them was very bad for them.

It's just the words of the Zhen family, and his Yuchi family is not afraid.

But if so many people united, even their Yuchi family would feel the strain.

Ye Yuxian turned around and suspended her plan to draw the sword.

Ye Yuxian walked past Su Wanyi, and said to her: "I'll deal with the people behind first, and you first reach a contract with Zilong."

It is risky to draw the sword first, Su Wanyi must first reach a contract with Zilong to ensure that Zilong belongs to them before attempting to draw the sword.

So Ye Yuxian was not in a hurry to draw his sword.

He can get rid of these people behind first.

When Ye Yuxian walked up, he had a strong aura.

Although he is young, he always gives people a sense of oppression.

"Who are you?" Zhen Mao asked Ye Yuxian.

"It seems that your idiot brother didn't tell you who I am." Ye Yuxian sneered.

Zhen Yin knew Ye Yuxian's identity.

"He is the Ghost Realm! That big devil! Be careful, everyone!"

Princess Ning suddenly yelled.

Her father was killed by this big devil!

She wants to avenge her father!
what? !

The princess's words made everyone's faces change drastically.

Ghost Realm Saint?

Is this man the Ghost Realm Saint?
"How could it be? Princess, I'm afraid you made a mistake, right? How could this man be the Ghost Realm? He's still so young!"

People don't believe it.

Zhen Mao didn't believe it either, but suddenly remembered what his elder brother had said to him.

After the elder brother came back from Zhujian Villa, he was anxious to go to retreat. Before the retreat, he told him that he had seen the Ghost Realm. The Ghost Realm was much younger than the rumors, and his appearance could easily confuse people.

Could it be that... the person in front of me... is really...

Is it really the legendary Ghost Realm Saint?
Just the title "Ghost Realm" is enough to make many people fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The princess shouted again: "Don't be afraid of him, everyone. He is not as powerful as the rumors say. You have seen my father fight against him just now! He is just the strength of the peak of the legendary realm, which is about the same as my father!"

The words of the princess made everyone calm down a little.

Yes, rumors are rumors and facts are facts.

No matter how gaudy the rumors were, it was not as good as what they saw with their own eyes.

The strength of the peak of the legendary realm is indeed quite powerful, especially considering the man's age.

But it's not as scary as the rumors say.

Several patriarchs and sect masters among them also have the strength of the first and middle stages of the legendary realm.

Together, they have a chance of winning.

They completely crush each other in terms of numbers!
Qin Ziyuan stood up at this moment and walked to Patriarch Yuchi's side.

(End of this chapter)

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