Chapter 729 Snatching the Excalibur (3)

The stronger the person who tries to tame the divine soldier, the stronger the divine soldier's resistance will be.

Su Wanyi reacted quickly, as soon as the national teacher was bounced away, she immediately returned to Zilong's back with Ye Yuxian in her arms.

After putting down Ye Yuxian, he turned around and joined forces with the black mirror to attack the national teacher.

The action was done in one go, firmly grasping the moment when the national teacher failed.

The moment the national teacher landed, the black mirror swept the tail, knocking the national teacher into the air, and widening the distance between the national teacher and Zilong.

With the sweep of the snake's tail, Lian Guoshi swept up all the dust and silt, and the mud spots flew hundreds of meters away, and the innocent people on the shore were splashed all over by countless silt spots.

Su Wanyi rode the black mirror and charged towards the national teacher again, blocking the way of the national teacher, preventing the national teacher from getting close to Ye Yuxian again.

At this distance, Su Wanyi can confidently and boldly fight against the national teacher without worrying about affecting Ye Yuxian.

The national teacher had regained his senses before landing, and his body turned several times in the air.

His saber flew to his feet and caught him firmly.

It's just that his plain white clothes were stained with the mud at the bottom of the lake, and his hair was not spared, making him look a little bit embarrassed.

He is no longer that impeccable and extraordinary national teacher.

The national teacher's expression finally became ferocious.

He is not a really emotionless person, not a real worldly expert who is indifferent to everything.

All his calmness before was because he had never encountered an opponent who could match him.

He can control the whole situation and play other people like puppets.

Without threats, without opponents, it is natural to be like an outsider.

Now that his situation has become embarrassing, the true face of his heart is gradually revealed.

He started to attack Su Wanyi with aggressive moves.

Su Wanyi didn't panic at all, she was with Black Mirror, Black Mirror defended, she attacked, one person and one snake cooperated very tacitly.

It is not easy to defeat the national teacher, but it is impossible for the national teacher to win her in a short time.

When Su Wanyi and the national teacher fell into an anxious battle, Ye Yuxian had already grasped the Lingyue Divine Sword.

Zilong, who knew what was going on on his back, complained: "Lingyue Shenjian, you are so arrogant, how long do you want to stay on my aunt's back? Auntie, I don't have freedom, but you have it? "

Ye Yuxian couldn't understand these words.

I don't know if Lingyue Shenjian can understand it or not.

Unlike the national teacher, Ye Yuxian did not use his combat power to forcibly conquer the Lingyue Sword.

Not to mention that he can't use his combat power now, even if he has, he doesn't plan to use it.

When Ye Yuxian was holding the Lingyue Divine Sword, he suddenly heard a voice.

The voice was asking him why he was looking for it.

Why are you looking for it?

Excalibur, Ye Yuxian never cared much about it before, even when Su Wanyi handed Ziyu Ruyi to him, he didn't even care about it.

At that time, it was because of a childish sentence of Dai Bao that Su Wanyi repeated.

Because it's more like a family.

That was the first time he had the urge to conquer Excalibur.

But now, he wants the power of the Excalibur, because now he needs the help of the Excalibur to defeat that fake national teacher.

Four years ago, in order to return this body of flesh and blood to his biological mother, he almost abolished all his skills.

In fact, at that time, he could already fly with the sword.

He didn't care too much about the failure of his skills.

Just practice again.

So four years later, he had once again reached the pinnacle of the legendary realm.

 Daibao is forced to open: There is no Daibao in these few episodes. Daibao has nothing to do, so I come to ask you for tickets~!

(End of this chapter)

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