Chapter 731 What Are You Two Doing On Auntie's Back?

Forget it, the person behind him is very weak, if he really wants to fall to his death, he won't be able to look good in the future.

Anyway, I'm already free, and it won't be too late to fly slowly after the big troubles below are resolved.

Zilong flew back to the ground again.

When it was about to fall to the ground, I saw the people below kept worshiping.

At this moment, they have been completely subdued by the soaring Zilong.

The deep-rooted awe of the Zilong over the years made them have nothing to think about but worshiping the Zilong who had taken off.

Zilong said with emotion: "I didn't expect that after my aunt slept for so many years, there will be more believers! I think my aunt and I didn't have any believers back then!"

Zilong landed beside Hei Jing, and then glanced at Hei Jing in disgust.

"Little snake, what did you eat to grow? It's actually the same size as my aunt and I." Zilong talked to Hei Jing.

Hei Jing was a little afraid of Zilong, and instinctively trembled when he heard Zilong's voice.

As a snake, it is instinctive to be afraid of dragons.

Protecting the Lord before, I didn't care about being afraid.

At this moment, the Zilong regained its freedom, and its owner was out of danger, so it began to be afraid.

Su Wanyi jumped from Hei Jing's back to Zi Long's.

"How are you?" Su Wanyi asked Ye Yuxian.

She didn't have time to ask about his injuries before.

Ye Yuxian's current condition is not very good, the wound is still bleeding.

When the injury is too severe, the body will repair the most fatal wounds on its own.

Wounds to the heart are the highest priority, followed by damaged other internal organs.

The chest wound was pierced with the heart, but after the heart was saved, the blood hole in the chest was ignored.

Su Wanyi hurriedly tore off the clothes on her body and bandaged Ye Yuxian.

Su Wanyi instinctively understood that this sword did not pierce Ye Yuxian's heart.

Some people's hearts are born to be sideways, maybe Ye Yuxian is this kind of person.

Otherwise it is impossible to explain why a man with a pierced heart is still alive and kicking.

Zilong turned his head and saw Su Wanyi bandaging Ye Yuxian on his back, and complained, "Why are you two touching Auntie's back?! Auntie's back is used for you did you play?"

"I'm bandaging a wound, what are you thinking?"

"Grandma doesn't care, grandma has slept at the bottom of the lake for so many years, and she can't stand seeing a man and a woman standing close together. I think you are deliberately provoking grandma."

Su Wanyi: "Then you just bear with it, I have to bandage his wound first."

Zilong urged: "Then hurry up, you still want my aunt to see how long you two are chattering away?"

Ye Yuxian was bound up.

Su Wanyi didn't know that this was Ye Yuxian's first time bandaging a wound.

When he was very young, even if he was seriously injured, he would just find a place where no one was around to hide and wait for the wound to heal on its own.

Later, when he grew up and became stronger, no one could hurt him anymore.

Except for the one time four years ago, he made himself look like neither a human nor a ghost.

But even then, he didn't heal.

Allow your body to heal itself.

The bloody body looked even more beggar than a beggar at that time.

The wound on the face was repaired last, as it was the least fatal.

His face was so festered that he couldn't see his face clearly.

The wound has never been bandaged, because no one has ever come to bandage him.

(End of this chapter)

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