Chapter 734 If that guy moves around before he recovers, his head will blow off!
Su Wanyi really dare not beat him now.

He could only say viciously, "Lie back on the black camera for me! I'll ask Yunshan to come and heal your wounds!"

Su Wanyi found Bai Yunshan, and said to Bai Yunshan, "If that guy moves around before he recovers, his head will be blown off!"

"My little beauty, I don't dare to do such a thing. You have to do it yourself if you hit him on the head. I don't have the guts." Just thinking about it, Bai Yunshan felt his scalp go numb.

There are two things about Ye Yuxian today that impressed Bai Yunshan deeply.

One is that there is a big hole in his body and he can run around.

In addition, it was when his hand pierced through the chest of the national teacher just now.

This is similar to the picture of the ghostly sage tearing up human flesh in her mind, and it aroused her fear of Ye Yuxian deep in her heart.

Su Wanyi said: "Anyway, you have to hold him down for me. If you're not sure, find Daibao to hold him down."

At this time, it is necessary to sacrifice the little artifact of Daibao.

Tell Daibao Ye Yuxian's injury.

The little guy promised to hold his uncle Ye Zi to death.

If Ye Yuxian dared to move around, he would use his tears and snot to attack.

See if Ye Yuxian can bear it.

Su Wanyi was injured before, and every time she was injured, the little guy kept strict watch over her.

Sometimes the injury is not serious, and after being treated by the little guy, he will recover completely immediately, but the little guy is always worried about this.

Bai Yunshan touched his nose, it was the only way to go, even if he was afraid, he had to do it.

You can't let go of the big blood hole in your chest, can you?
Su Wanyi glanced at the black mirror again, seeing that the black mirror was still nervous and scared facing the purple dragon, so she said to it: "Go back to your master's small box first."

As expected, Black Mirror could understand Su Wanyi's words.

After Su Wanyi finished speaking, it became smaller and returned to Ye Yuxian's box.

"Patriarch Yuchi, you bring the national teacher and Zhen Mao with you, let's go to the emperor and deal with the aftermath."

"Okay, Sect Master Su, I'll take them there right now."

Patriarch Yuchi's attitude towards Su Wanyi is extremely respectful now, which is completely different from the attitude he had just met before.

Su Wanyi rode Zilong to the high platform.

As soon as Zilong's huge body approached the shore, the people on the shore became nervous.

A group of guards and commoners even prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

Even the emperor felt a deep awe.

It's a real dragon!

Most of Zilong's body is still in the dry Zilong Lake, only one head stretched out to the high platform.

Su Wanyi stood on top of Zilong's head, jumped off her head, and jumped in front of the emperor.

"Zi...Zilong..." The emperor looked at Zilong closely, and was so nervous that he didn't know what to say.

Zilong snorted disdainfully: "Damn it, why are you stuttering? Have you never seen Meilong? You still stare at my aunt at a very old age, do you think I have a crush on you?"

As soon as Zilong opened his mouth, everyone heard the sound of dragon chant.

Everyone tensed up, feeling the little heart beating in the chest.

In fact, Zilong was just complaining.

Their worries are unnecessary.

But the emperor and the others didn't think so at all. The emperor was nervous, feeling that Zilong was going to swallow them all in minutes.

And now the emperor has to worry about another thing: Su Wanyi is an outsider after all, and now Zilong is at her beck and call.

What if she also became ambitious?
(End of this chapter)

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