Chapter 736 I Can't Be Your Daughter-in-Law, But I Can Be Your Relative

"What did you say? You... before you..."

The emperor never thought that such a thing would happen to his son.

The emperor immediately turned his head and questioned the noble concubine Zhen Ruoxue: "You bastard, tell me, is what the prince said true? Did you really poison the prince and do such insane things? You'd better confess, [-] Tell me clearly at the tenth place that at this time, if you still dare to hide something from me, I will have you sentenced to death!"

"The emperor spares my life, the emperor forgives the sin!"

The noble concubine hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy: "The concubine knows it's wrong. The concubine is delusional. The concubine was bewitched by the national teacher, so she didn't dare to move. The poisoning of the prince was also ordered by the national teacher!"


The emperor raised his foot and kicked the concubine's face, crooked her nose.

The imperial concubine fell to the ground, sobbing in embarrassment.

The emperor still felt puzzled, and continued to kick the noble concubine several times.

The emperor looked at the prince again, frowning tightly, with unresolved grief on his face.

"Such a serious matter happened, why didn't you explain it to the emperor? If the emperor knew, he would never let this bitch live until now!" The emperor sighed.

"Father, before today, the evidence in my son's hands is not enough, Father might not believe it." Sikong Yan explained.

What's more, the emperor's attitude towards his children is obvious to all.

The emperor was dumbfounded, unable to refute the prince's words for a while.

After a long sigh, the emperor said: "Forget it, I can't blame you for concealing this matter. I will explain the matter of your deception to the clan later. It's just that you can't get rid of your illness. You should seek medical treatment earlier. Since it is caused by poisoning, after the poison is found out, the antidote will be developed slowly."

"Father, you don't have to worry. The young master of the Bai family has already found a way to cure my son's illness. My son is recovering now, and his body will recover soon." Sikong Yan replied.

The emperor nodded in relief, "That's good, that's good."

Following the emperor, he looked at Su Wanyi again, knowing that she had nothing to do with his son, so he was inevitably a little disappointed.

It’s not, it’s not, and it can’t become a living being.

Su Wanyi could see the disappointment in the emperor's eyes, Su Wanyi said to the emperor: "If the emperor doesn't dislike me, I can't be your daughter-in-law, but I can be your relative."

"Relatives?" The emperor was startled, and didn't slow down Su Wanyi's intentions for a while.

Su Wanyi explained: "Princess Xinrui and I hit it off very well. This time I came to the capital because of the fact that Princess Xinrui was chosen as a sacrificial virgin. I only have one son under my knees, and I have always wanted to have a daughter. If the emperor does not Dislike, how about letting Princess Xinrui recognize me as a godmother?"

Speaking of Princess Xinrui, the emperor's heart skipped a beat.

If there were no Su Wanyi and her son today, Princess Xinrui would have sunk to the bottom of the lake.

Now the truth is revealed, and it is known that all this is caused by the master and the imperial concubine behind the scenes.

Knowing that he almost killed his own daughter.

The emperor sighed and asked Su Wanyi: "Are you afraid that I will treat her badly?"

Su Wanyi acquiesced with a smile.

"Then what does the emperor want?"

Su Wanyi really meant that.

It is impossible for her to really leave Daqin with Princess Xinrui.

Princess Xinrui still needs the company of Lord Lu Hou, who is her most important relative.

(End of this chapter)

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