Chapter 739 Give Medicine to Ye Yuxian
Still not used to it!

"Why don't you change the place, not on my stomach, I always feel weird with multiple purple tattoos on my stomach."

"Then where do you want to be? On the breasts? Auntie, I'm not interested in women's breasts."

She is a beautiful dragon who likes beautiful men.

If the owner is a man, she can consider changing a few more places.

"On my back! Get on my back!" Su Wanyi gritted her teeth.

"If you put it on your back, you won't be able to see my aunt and my beautiful body!" Zilong said.

"I don't need to read it, just show it to others!" Su Wanyi said.

"For others to see? If you don't take off your clothes, others won't be able to see my aunt. Who do you think you want to show it to?" Zilong said with a smirk, "Grandma, guess, is it that beautiful boy named Ye Yuxian?" ah?"

"Nothing! I'll just say that!"

"Ouch, don't be shy! Auntie, I'm a dragon from here, I understand, I understand everything!"

"Understood you!" Su Wanyi said, "Anyway, you'll be right on my back!"

Zilong still complied with Su Wanyi's request and transferred it to Su Wanyi's back.

So Su Wanyi had a purple and flirtatious dragon tattoo on her back.

What appears to be a tattoo at first glance is actually a real purple dragon.

Su Wanyi packed her clothes again and went back to the other courtyard.

Ye Yuxian had already been brought back by Bai Yunshan Zuo Runzhi and Dai Bao first.

Just as Su Wanyi expected, Dai Bao stood guard in front of Ye Yuxian's bed, not letting Ye Yuxian move.

Still staring at Ye Yuxian drinking the medicine.

Where did Ye Yuxian drink medicine?

He resisted very much.

"Daibao, you just cured me, I don't need to take medicine anymore." Ye Yuxian discussed with Daibao.

When Dai Bao saw Ye Yuxian just now, he rushed over to heal his injuries.

Little did he know that Ye Yuxian, like him, had the healing power to heal himself.

But it's good for the little idiot to help, Ye Yuxian has too many injuries now, more of the little idiot's healing power can really speed up his recovery.

"No way!" Dai Bao shook his head vigorously, "Uncle Ye Zi is not good, there is no candy to eat!"

"Uh...can I skip medicine if I don't eat candy?" Ye Yuxian didn't really want to eat candy either.

Daibao continued to shake his head, turning it into a small rattle.

Su Wanyi entered the door and taunted Ye Yuxian: "You are not as sensible as Daibao. I can't see that the majestic Ghost Realm Sage is afraid of taking medicine!"

Ye Yuxian knew that Su Wanyi was trying to provoke him on purpose.

Ye Yuxian replied: "I'm not afraid of taking medicine, the key depends on who feeds it."

The implication is obviously that he wants to feed Su Wanyi.

If Su Wanyi feeds it, no matter how bitter the medicine is, it can be as sweet as honey.

"Daibao, did you hear that, your Uncle Ye Zi wants you to feed him medicine."

Su Wanyi clearly knew what Ye Yuxian meant, but deliberately asked Daibao to feed her.

Daibao put his hips on his hips, looking like a little grown-up.

"Uncle Ye Zi is stupid, if you want Dai Bao to feed you medicine, just say so, and Dai Bao will feed you!"

Uncle Ye Zi is really dishonest!I said earlier that he would have helped him!

As he spoke, Dai Bao held the medicine bowl and carefully scooped up a spoonful of medicine with a spoon.

First he put it in front of his own small mouth, and then sent it to Ye Yuxian's mouth.

Although he didn't get the service of feeding the medicine personally by the little goblin, seeing Daibao's cute and heart-warming behavior, Ye Yuxian had no reason not to drink it.

(End of this chapter)

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