Chapter 754 The Story Told by the Mysterious Old Man
The old man began to tell: "A long time ago, there was a silly girl who was straightforward, lively and agile. She used to live a carefree life, but one day, a seriously injured man appeared."

"The girl saved the man who was seriously injured, took good care of him, and blocked the man when he was robbed. After the man recovers, he will go back to the place where he used to live. But at this time, the girl has fallen in love with the man. .”

"She expressed her heart to the man, but the man rejected her. The man told her that he was very grateful for her life-saving grace, but he only had gratitude for her, not love. Then the man left resolutely."

"In order to see him again, the girl practiced even harder and put in tens of thousands of times of effort. Finally, Huangtian paid off, and she came to his side."

"From now on, no matter what happens to the man, the girl will accompany him and be with him, and the two will go through life and death together countless times."

"The girl has no complaints and no regrets. She accompanied the man through wind and rain. She gave everything for the man, but the man still betrayed her, and made her suffer a catastrophe. She was punished for a thousand years, and the man personally executed the sentence."

"When she was being tortured, she said to the man that she would like to sleep forever and never wake up, so that he would not waste his efforts, and let her sleep here forever, never to be seen again."

The old man's story is over.

Ye Yuxian smiled lightly: "This story is really ugly, and your level of storytelling is too bad. I almost fell asleep after hearing it."

The old man smiled and said, "You can just treat me as telling a story to lull you to sleep."

After the old man left, Ah Ping came in to deliver medicine to Ye Yuxian.

"Master, you... just drink it, this is what Ms. Su told me before she left the house."

Ye Yuxian glanced at A Ping: "Why can you get out of bed and go?"

It felt like being treated unfairly.

A Ping hurriedly explained: "The subordinate's injury is not that serious. Master, you also know that the subordinate has been tough since childhood, and it won't take long for a little injury to recover."

"You mean I don't take the skin test?"

"No, no! This subordinate also knows that Master, you are fine now, but Miss Su doesn't believe it!"

A Ping got out of bed and Su Wanyi didn't care, Bai Yunshan said he could get out of bed, so he could get out.

But for Ye Yuxian, Bai Yunshan's words won't work, Su Wanyi's words will work.

So if Su Wanyi didn't nod her head, Ye Yuxian couldn't get out of bed, otherwise she would be scolded.

"So...Master, look at this medicine..."

A Ping held the medicine in his hand, and felt that the medicine was really hot!
Let him feed the master, lest the master hate it.

Don't feed him, I'm afraid that Miss Su will settle accounts with him later.

The key point is that Miss Su asked him to settle accounts, and he still hasn't tried to reason with her!

He already understood that the master would definitely sacrifice his subordinates just to please Miss Su.

So if you want to ask for more blessings, you should first please Miss Su, and then please the master.

Aping's heart shed tears: I am too difficult.

Ye Yuxian glanced at the medicine bowl in disgust, and then remembered Su Wanyi's fierce look when she was standing in front of the bed and staring at him drinking the medicine.

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

A Ping, who was watching him, couldn't help being even more frightened.

Master, don't laugh like that, the subordinates are afraid!

What did I do wrong, I am also a sick number!

Why not just let me stay in bed for a few more days!
"Bring it to me to drink." Ye Yuxian took the medicine bowl from A Ping and drank it decisively.


Apin breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Miss Su is the master's nemesis, and it's just a matter of moving out Miss Su!

(End of this chapter)

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