Chapter 767 I met my father
Following Su Wanyi, she said to Bai Yunshan and Zuo Runzhi, "You two go in with me to have a look."

With that said, the three of them walked inside.

Dai Bao tilted his head and said, "Uncle Ye Zi, don't run around, mother said you can't run around, if you run around, mother will spank your ass, it's very painful!"

A warning from Dummy's experience.

Aping was afraid that his master would feel bad, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Master, don't take it to heart, Madam doesn't know about your health, she thought it would take a while for you to recover, so she didn't let you take risks. "

Su Wanyi judged Ye Yuxian according to the recovery speed of a normal person, so Ye Yuxian naturally had to sit in the car and wait obediently.

Ye Yuxian asked A Ping calmly, "Why should I take it to heart?"

"Uh..." Ah Ping thought, isn't this afraid of hurting your self-esteem?
But now it seems that the master is not only not sad, but also seems to be in a good mood?
Uh... Ah Ping suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

He started not understanding his master, what should he do?
After Su Wanyi and Bai Zuo entered the manor, the three of them separately checked the situation.

Su Wanyi walked into the main hall, where there were obvious signs of fighting, but no casualties were seen.

Don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Su Wanyi was about to continue walking in, when she suddenly heard Zuo Runzhi's cry.

Su Wanyi hurriedly ran over.

At the same time, Bai Yunshan also rushed over.

Bai Yunshan looked anxious when he saw Zuo Runzhi fell to the ground.

"How are you?"

"I'm... fine." Zuo Runzhi was slapped on the chest.

"You wait, I will avenge you!" Bai Yunshan stood up, seeking revenge on the person who hurt Zuo Runzhi.

"No." Zuo Runzhi grabbed Bai Yunshan.

Bai Yunshan wondered why Zuo Runzhi was pulling her, just when she was wondering.

The person who hurt Zuo Runzhi called Su Wanyi: "Wanyi!"

At the same time, Su Wanyi also saw the other person's appearance clearly.


Su Wanyi did not expect to meet her father here.

Su Cheng didn't expect to meet Su Wanyi and the others.

Only then did Bai Yunshan realize that the person who hurt Zuo Runzhi was none other than Su Cheng.

how come?
When she treated Su Cheng not long ago, Su Cheng still looked weak.

Because of years of drug accumulation, his health is much worse than that of his twin brother Su Xin.

My God, what happened to Su Cheng during this period of time?
The whole person has changed a lot.

The whole person looks younger by several years.

Not only did he look better, his body became stronger, and he looked refreshed. What's more, his boldness in every gesture returned.

Moreover, being able to defeat Zuo Runzhi with one palm, his cultivation base has obviously improved greatly.

Bai Yunshan helped Zuo Runzhi who was on the ground.

"This... this is the left... son?" Su Cheng didn't recognize the other party at first glance, because the other party was wearing women's clothing.

Haven't seen it in a while, change...a bit big.

Zuo Runzhi also didn't recognize Su Cheng immediately.

The Su Cheng that Zuo Runzhi knew had just recovered from a serious illness, and he described it as a bit haggard.

When Zuo Runzhi came over just now, he found someone with a light figure and swift movements.

He thought he had encountered an enemy who hadn't left yet, so he attacked the opponent.

It was only when the other party counterattacked that it became clear that it was Su Cheng.

He stopped in time, but Su Cheng hadn't recognized him in women's clothing.

(End of this chapter)

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