Chapter 769 Ye Yuxian is not a boy anymore?

Zuo Runzhi said: "There is a cave at the back of the manor, which is usually used by disciples to practice. The entrance of the cave is covered by vines, so it is relatively hidden. If no one finds it, we can go there to rest first."

"Okay." Su Wanyi agreed.

The cave Zuo Runzhi said is located behind the manor.

This was originally a holy place for cultivation that was distributed for the first time.

The entrance of the cave is blocked by plants as Zuo Runzhi said, so at first glance it is impossible to tell that there is a cave here.

Zuo Runzhi led the way, and Su Wanyi followed closely behind.

Seeing Zuo Runzhi go in, Su Wanyi bumped her head against the barrier.

There is an enchantment?
Su Wanyi stretched out her hand to touch it, and found an invisible barrier.

However, Zuo Runzhi has already passed through.

Looking at Zuo Runzhi who seemed nothing had happened, Su Wanyi was puzzled.

"What's the matter with this enchantment? You went in, but why did you stop me?"

Dai Bao blinked his eyes, and then stepped in with his calf.

Daibao was very puzzled, as if to verify something, he went in and then came out, and then went in after coming out, and even chose the place where Su Wanyi hit the wall to enter and exit.

As a result, Xiaodaibao ran in and ran in, but nothing happened.

Followed Bai Yunshan and went in.

Everyone looked at Su Wanyi puzzled.

A Ping and A Zhou who followed also came forward, and both of them went in smoothly.

When Ah Ping wanted to help Ye Yuxian go in.

But he was surprised to find that Ye Yuxian was blocked outside.

Seeing that Ye Yuxian couldn't get in, Su Wanyi felt much more comfortable.

But still very puzzled, why she and Ye Yuxian couldn't do it.

Zuo Runzhi suddenly remembered something.

"I almost forgot, this cave existed a long time ago, and there is a treasure enshrined in it, and the power of this enchantment is carried by that treasure."

"Then why can you pass through the barrier but Ye Yuxian and I can't? Is that treasure jealous of my beauty?" Su Wanyi said angrily.

"According to the seniors, only virgins are allowed to enter this cave." Zuo Runzhi added.

Only virgins can enter?

Then Su Wanyi is definitely not. She has already given birth to a son, so how can she be a virgin.

That leaf feather...

Everyone looked at Ye Yuxian.

The eyes are strange.

Ye Yuxian couldn't go in either, does it mean that he is no longer a boy?

Aping was shocked.

Fuck, the master is not a boy anymore? !
When did this happen?

He always thought that masters would not touch women!

He thought Miss Su was the first woman the master fell in love with!
When did the master, behind their backs, open the meaty restaurant?
Bai Yunshan somewhat disliked Ye Yuxian.

Some people, on the surface, are dedicated people, but in fact, they don't know what they have done.

Ye Yuxian was looked at by everyone with weird eyes, and the muscles on his face were a little stiff.

Dai Bao didn't understand, touched his head, and asked weakly, "Why isn't Uncle Ye Zi a boy? Uncle Ye Zi, what have you done?"

Little bastard!If I am still a boy, where did you come from!

A Ping hurriedly smoothed things over: "Tell me, maybe it's just a coincidence, Madam Bai didn't say it, it's just a rumor, who knows if it's true!"

Bai Yunshan said: "Is it true? Please ask Mr. Su to try it and you will know?"

And Su Cheng hasn't tried it.

Su Cheng is definitely not. If this statement is true, Su Cheng will definitely not be able to get in.

Su Cheng is a grandfather, so naturally he doesn't mind this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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