Chapter 775 Arrest
"I'll go to the manor to have a look. There should be some food. I'll see if I can make some soup for you." Zuo Runzhi said.


Her new wife can cook soup?
Why doesn't she know?
Never had this kind of treatment!
Bai Yunshan never knew that Zuo Runzhi could cook.

And when he knew it was actually when he was going to make soup for others!
"What kind of soup do you cook? It's even worse if it's greasy." Bai Yunshan said coldly.

"Is vegetable soup okay too?" Zuo Runzhi asked seriously.

"Drink more hot water!" Bai Yunshan said angrily.

She was angry, but Zuo Runzhi didn't notice it.

I just thought she was telling the truth, so I got up and went to the manor to boil water.

Bai Yunshan stamped her feet angrily.

Right Xingzhi looked at Zuo Runzhi's retreating back, feeling a little complicated.

He hadn't had a chance to ask Zuo Runzhi why he was wearing women's clothing.

You Xingzhi remembers that Zuo Runzhi hates people saying that he looks like a woman the most, and wearing women's clothes is even more impossible.

The good brother has turned into a sister, and You Xingzhi's mood is a bit subtle and complicated.

On the other side, Ye Yuxian was flying with Daibao Yujian in his arms.

It was the first time for Daibao to fly like this, and it felt very novel.

She clapped her hands happily.

"It's great! Uncle Ye Zi, Dai Bao likes Fei Fei so much, and Dai Bao also wants Fei Fei!"

"Yes. If you practice hard, you will be able to fly soon." Ye Yuxian said.

"Yeah, Dai Bao has to work hard to cultivate! From now on, protect mother, protect Uncle Ye Zi, and prevent Uncle Ye Zi from getting hurt again!" Dai Bao said seriously.

Ye Yuxian patted Daibao's head, "Good boy."

"Then Uncle Yezi, are we going to help mother fight?" Dai Bao asked again.

"Your mother doesn't necessarily need our help, but just in case, it's better for us to follow along. If the other party cheats, we can protect her."

"Yeah, Uncle Ye Zi is right! Uncle Ye Zi is awesome!"

The two chased after Zilong, Ye Yuxian deliberately kept a distance, so Su Wanyi and Zilong would inevitably find out.

Su Wanyi rode on Zilong's body, looking down at the ground.

Many disciples of the first branch were injured, so they must not be able to walk fast.

Even if the injured were abandoned halfway, there should be some traces left.

"Woman, we seem to have found it." Zilong said to Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi also saw a group of people. The three in front were wearing black clothes and hats, covering most of their faces.

Followed by a group of wounded, those wounded are still wearing the clothes of the first case, easy to identify.

They were like puppets, following the three of them dully.

This direction seems to be the virtual mirror of the Four Kingdoms.

Without waiting for Su Wanyi to give an order, Zilong swooped down towards his prey.

The three people who were walking on the ground suddenly found that the sunlight above their heads was blocked by a huge cloud.

The three looked up instinctively.

Then I saw a huge purple dragon swooping down from the sky.

All three of them had shocked expressions on their faces.


how come?
When the three of them were in a daze, Zilong was already in front of their eyes.

The dragon's breath spit out from the huge dragon's mouth.

The dragon's breath blows like a gust of wind.

The dust on the ground was blown everywhere, and the clothes of several people were blown up.

All three were shocked.

Followed by Su Wanyi's light arrow from the Sunset Bow.

The cultivation bases of the three are all in the legendary realm, but they have never encountered such a battle.

(End of this chapter)

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