Chapter 780 We Don't Tell Your Mother

"That Xuanyuan Dusty, does he look a bit like your former husband?" Ye Yuxian asked.

Ye Yuxian has a keen insight.

Chiyin Tianji smiled, "Yes, he does look somewhat similar, but my husband does not have such a healthy body, nor does he have a cultivation base, let alone such an ambition."

Chiyin Tianji knew exactly what kind of person Xuanyuan Chenfeng was.

Even so, Chiyin Tianji tolerated Xuanyuan's dust.

Just for the glimpse of her former husband seen from this man.

Chiyin Tianji put on her veil again, and continued to say to Ye Yuxian: "So in this matter, there is absolutely room for a deal between me and you."

"That doesn't mean I have to cooperate with you."

"The former Ye Yuxian was indeed like this, but the current Ye Yuxian really doesn't need to cooperate with me?"

As she spoke, Chiyin Tianji lowered her head and glanced at Daibao in Ye Yuxian's arms.

Chiyin Tianji knew that the former Ye Yuxian had no weaknesses, he didn't care about anything, even his own life.

When he first met his biological mother, when his biological mother said that she gave him his life, he stabbed himself into a hornet's nest without hesitation.

It looks like he wants to cut the flesh back to his mother, and the bones to return to his father.

But Ye Yuxian is different now.

He is no longer the so-called Ye Yuxian who is too concerned about whether he is alive or not.

Daibao blinked his innocent and ignorant eyes.

He didn't quite understand what his Uncle Ye Zi was talking about with this masked old hag.

But he knew that the old hag must be wicked.

So the little eyes were filled with distaste for the old hag.

Ye Yuxian said: "That's right. There are some things I didn't know how to do before, but now I can do them. But I don't have to cooperate with anyone. Whether I agree to cooperate with you or not depends on what kind of conditions you can give me." .”

Chiyin Tianji smiled, "Are you asking me to show my sincerity before deciding whether to trade with me?"

Ye Yuxian said: "Otherwise? My little goblin doesn't make money-losing business."

Chiyin Tianji said: "It's showing affection in front of me. Anyway, since I want you to help me, I should show some sincerity."

Chiyin Tianji really came prepared, and the conditions she can offer are also very superior.

Ye Yuxian smiled, and agreed to the deal with Chiyin Tianji.

"Then we'll see you later." Chiyin Tianji said to Ye Yuxian.

After finishing speaking, the man stepped away and disappeared from the sight of Ye Yuxian and Dai Bao.

Dai Bao raised his head and looked at Ye Yuxian in a daze.

Ye Yuxian discussed with Daibao: "Daibao, let's not tell your mother what happened today, okay?"

"Not good." Daibao immediately shook his head, "You can't lie to mother!"

This is a matter of principle!

"We didn't lie to your mother either."

"Then why don't you tell mother, if you don't tell mother, you are lying to mother!"

Dai Bao thinks that there is no problem with his logic.

"It's different. It's bad to cheat. It's good for us not to tell your mother. It's not cheating."

"It's not cheating, what is that?"

"Uncle Ye Zi doesn't want your mother to worry."


"Well, we can just worry about our family's troubles in the future, and your mother won't let her worry about it, okay?"

"But Uncle Ye Zi and Dai Bao are not from the same family!"

Daibao can still distinguish who belongs to his family and who does not belong to him.

(End of this chapter)

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