Chapter 787

Does he care about not having supper? !

Su Wanyi came over in time, saw A Ping kneeling in front of the bed, and explained to him: "It's not intentional not to give you food, you have such a big hole in your chest, you can't eat such heavy-tasting food, that's why Yun Shan Didn't I tell you earlier?"

It is true that I have been warned.

Ye Yuxian snorted coldly: "Didn't your father make non-spicy ones for Daibao?"


Does he have such good eyesight?

From such a distance, you can see that Dai Bao has a different job?

"It's exclusive to Daibao. There's only one small bowl in total, enough for Daibao to eat alone. Do you want to fight Daibao?" Su Wanyi asked.

A large bowl of spicy bullfrog was made. She and her father couldn't finish it, but Aping barely finished it together.

"Hmph." Ye Yuxian snorted coldly.

This humming contained too many emotions.

At this time, Dai Bao came in from the door, holding a big bowl in his two small hands, walking carefully in small steps.

Afraid of falling and spilling the good things in his bowl.

"Uncle Ye Zi." What Daibao was holding in his hand was nothing but the bullfrog soup that Su Cheng made for him.

"Uncle Ye Zi, Dai Bao only ate half, and the other half is for you."

Dai Bao held Ye Yuxian in front of him, his soft voice almost melted people.

Su Wan was surprised when she saw the complaint.

This weight is indeed the weight of Daibao alone.

Surely he could eat the whole bowl by himself.

In the end, he deliberately left half of it for Ye Yuxian!
I'm going!

What does this mean?
It shows that Ye Yuxian's status in Daibao's mind is really very high!

When Ah Ping saw this scene, tears were about to fall.

Dumb boy, you are my idol!
Apping loves you!Aping will protect you forever!

Ye Yuxian lost all anger when he saw Daibao carefully holding the bowl.

Ye Yuxian reached out and touched Dai Bao's head, "Uncle Ye Zi is not hungry, Dai Bao will eat by himself."

"But Uncle Ye Zi really wants to eat!"

"Uncle Ye Zi doesn't want to eat, but Uncle Ye Zi wants to be with Dai Bao and..." Ye Yuxian raised his head and glanced at Su Wanyi, then lowered his head and continued to say to Dai Bao, "Uncle Ye Zi just wants to be with you. "

"Huh?" Dai Bao tilted his head.

What's the difference?
Together?Haven't they been together all along?
Ye Yuxian explained: "Uncle Ye Zi likes to watch you and your mother eat from a close distance."

This way, the little guy should be able to understand it.

Aww!It turned out to be Jiangzi!
Daibao understood this time.

"Then Daibao is eating here!" Daibao smiled happily.

Then he hurriedly moved a chair to Ye Yuxian's bedside.

Put the bowl on the chair and stand next to the chair, about the right height.

Su Wanyi couldn't help laughing.

The little idiot.

Really stay and heartwarming.

Ye Yuxian looked at Su Wanyi, Su Wanyi said: "You have a good rest, even if it's because you care so much about your dull baby, you should also pay attention to your body, don't run around, don't eat what you shouldn't eat, eat on time medicine."

Ye Yuxian said: "Is it just that Daibao cares about me? What about you?"

Su Wanyi said, "I...have a little too."

"Only a little? Huh?"

Ye Yuxian took up the posture of asking the bottom line.

"It's getting late, I'm going back to my room to rest."

Su Wanyi fled.

She couldn't answer this question.

(End of this chapter)

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