Chapter 789 Ah Zhou: I want Xiaoying to be my daughter-in-law, others don't!
Ah Zhou is tall and burly, while Xiaoying is petite. The two of them stand together. The difference in body shape is not at 01:30.

Azhou asked Xiaoying: "Xiaoying, why are you here?"

A Ping replied for Xiaoying: "I called Xiaoying here."

Xiaoying said: "Well, Brother Aping said that the master and wife are just around here, and asked me to come over for a reconciliation, so I came over."

"Then why don't I know, Aping, why don't you tell me, so I can get ready!"

"I'm too busy, I forgot, and besides, you can see Xiaoying when she comes, so don't worry about it." A Ping joked with a smile.

Ah Zhou smiled foolishly, and then asked Xiaoying urgently: "Xiaoying, when did you agree to marry me?"

Su Wanyi was shocked.

Ah Zhou usually looks like a simple and honest person, and his mouth is also stupid. No matter how you look at it, he is not as shrewd as Ah Ping.

But I didn't expect that being straightforward in matters between men and women is much more straightforward than Aping.

Xiaoying shook her head: "Brother Ah Zhou, I can't, I have rejected you many times, you need to find someone else for a wife, you should stop thinking about me as soon as possible, and we will be brothers and sisters, okay?"

"Not good." Ah Zhou replied firmly, "I want Xiaoying to be my daughter-in-law, others don't!"

Xiaoying stubbornly disagrees, but A Zhou insists that Xiaoying does not want to marry.

This conversation has played out many times.

Ah Zhou turned his head to look for Su Wanyi for help.

"Madam, please let me and Xiaoying make the decision."

Su Wanyi wonders why you want me to get involved in the relationship between the two of you?
I am not your wife!
On the issue of titles, you two really look like husband and wife!

"I can't help you with this matter. It's up to you to deal with emotional matters."

Su Wanyi tactfully rejected A Zhou.

"If Madam speaks, Xiaoying will definitely agree, please Madam." A Zhou knelt down and kowtowed to Su Wanyi.

The melon seeds on the head were "bang bang" on the ground, knocking loudly.

You two are really a couple!
Su Wanyi couldn't help thinking.

Seeing that Su Wan felt embarrassed, A Ping quickly helped A Zhou up from the ground.

"Azhou, let's talk about this matter later. You kowtow as soon as you come up, and Madam doesn't know anything. How do you let Madam decide for you?"

After hearing what A Ping said, Ah Zhou felt that what A Ping said made sense, so he wanted to tell Su Wanyi how much he liked Xiaoying.

Su Wanyi spoke out to stop him.

"Don't rush to feed me dog food early in the morning." Su Wanyi said, "I have to have breakfast first, I'm still hungry."

Compared to eating dog food given by others, Su Wanyi yearns for a delicious hot breakfast.

Su Wanyi left, A Zhou rubbed his head and asked, "What is dog food? Who has a dog?"

Madam's words are always difficult to understand!
Xiaoying didn't know how many times she said to Ah Zhou: "Ah Zhou, didn't I make it clear to you a long time ago? I am so ugly and I am not good enough for you. Don't think about marrying me anymore!"

"Xiaoying is not ugly! Xiaoying is the prettiest!" Ah Zhou said firmly.

In Ah Zhou's mind, Xiaoying is the most beautiful woman.

Aping let out a long sigh.

Because of her appearance, Xiaoying was abandoned since she was a child and begged for a living. It was he who was moved by compassion and picked her up.

Probably because he remembered his dead sister.

A Ping couldn't bear the heart of such a young girl to rummage through the stale water bucket all day long, competing with pigs for food.

(End of this chapter)

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