Chapter 792
The three people who were locked up regained consciousness the next morning, and the three didn't know that they had told everything.

"Chuchen, Chuxia, are you two okay?" Chuyu asked.

"It's okay, Chu Yu, is your injury serious?" Chu Chen asked with concern.

"The injury is fine. It's just that I always feel weird. Am I really in a coma?" Chu Yu had a strange feeling.

"It's good that people are fine. I believe that in a short time, other people will come to save us." Chu Xia said.

"Yes, Chu Yu, don't be too sad." Chu Chen also said.

Chuchen and Chuxia take turns to comfort Chuyu.

The three of them grew up together and have a very good relationship.

Although they are not brothers and sisters, they are better than brothers and sisters.

But Chu Yu couldn't be happy, "Our lineage has been excluded in the clan because of Chiyin Tianji's incident. I wanted to prove our worth through this mission, but it turned out..."

Hearing that Chuchen and Chuxia also lowered their heads.

Over the years, people of their lineage have been treated coldly in Shiguo Xujing.

The reason for everything was the appearance of the traitor Chiyin Tianji, which implicated them.

When Chiyin Tianji defected, they were not born yet.

But they have grown up so much, the most they have heard is their own adults cursing Chiyin Tianji.

If it weren't for Chiyin Tianji, they wouldn't have suffered so much abuse and stares.

It was not easy for the three of them to get the task this time, hoping to change their fate with good performance.


It is conceivable that even if they are rescued this time, what awaits them is a very gloomy life.

Therefore, the mood of the three of them fell into a trough.

While the three were feeling melancholy, the door to their room opened.

Su Wanyi personally came and delivered food to the three of them.

"Eat." Su Wanyi brought the food to the three of them.

"How can we eat if you tie us up?" Chu Yu said.

"You eat with your mouth, not with your hands." Su Wanyi said, "I brought you fried rice. All the ingredients have been chopped and mixed evenly. Just open your mouth and eat. You're all prisoners." Now, don't worry about whether the eating posture is elegant or not, right?"

Chu Yu wanted to find an excuse to let the other party let go of the rope, but the woman didn't give her this chance at all.

Chuchen said, "Who knows if you put medicine in your meals?"

Su Wanyi looked at him calmly: "You don't need to waste food if you want to administer medicine. Just now, when you were unconscious, you could just pour it. Why bother?"


It seems right.

There is no way to refute.

Su Wanyi said: "It seems that you don't want to eat, or you don't plan to live, it's okay, you can starve to death."

As she said that, Su Wan made a gesture to take away the food that was brought just now.

"Who, who said we don't want to eat!" Chu Yu hurriedly said.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to escape, but if you are hungry all the time, you have no chance of escaping.

The three quickly lowered their heads and gnawed wildly at the three plates that Su Wanyi put in front of them.

It was like three very hungry stray dogs seeing food.

From the appearance of the three eating, it can be seen that the three have a strong desire to survive.

Very good, they didn't want to die, so Su Wanyi had the opportunity to discuss with them.

If all of them wanted to die, then Su Wanyi would have no choice but to find someone else to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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